How this section is organized, Д caution – GMC 2003 Envoy User Manual

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How This Section is Organized

This main!i?nance schetfule Is drvlded inda frvo parts,

“Part A: Scheduled M^Entenanct Services" explains


iiave done and hew ohan. Soms oi these

services can ba com pie к, so unless you are technically
qualified and have ihe nacessaiy equiprnent, you
should let your dealer's service depariment or another
quairfied service center do these Jobs.


Performlrig rraintenance work on a vehicle can

be dangerous. In trying to do $ome jobs, you

can be seriously injured. Do your own

maintenance work only if you have the

required know-how and the proper tools and

equipimenl for the job. M you have any doubt,

have a qualified lechnicJan do ihe work.

If you want to get the service micnnatiDn, see


PijtiUcaiions Orcferng information on рада 7-Ю




Checks and Services" fells you what

shoutd be cheeked and when. It also explains whai
you oan easily do to help Keep your vehicle in good

^'Part C; Periodic Mainlena

nee Inspections" explains

important inspections ihgt your deafer’s service

depariment or another qualified service conler should


"Part D: RecDmmandBd Fluids and Lubricants” lisls
some recommended products ner;:esseiy to help

keep your vohicte properly main faired. These products,
or iheir equivalents, should be used whether you do
the work your&ett or have it ctone.

"Part E:



is a place


you to

record and keep track of Uie mainlenance performed on
your vehicle Keep your maintenance receipts. They
may be needed


qualify your vahicle for wamgnty

ГЕ pairs.
