Care of your cassette tape player – GMC 2003 Envoy User Manual

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Care of Your Cassette Tape Player

Л Tape player that is not cleaned regularly can cause
reduced sound quality, ruined cassettes or a dan^aged
niechanistn. Cassette tapes should be stoied



cases away trom contaminants, direct sunlight and

extreme heat. If they aren't, they may not operate
properly or may cause fa ¡lure ol the taps player*

Vour tapa player should he cleaned regularly aiter every

hours of

use. Your


may display



indicate Thai you have used your tape ptayer tor
50 hours wilhaut resetting the tape clean timer, if this
message appears on the displayi your oasselte
tape pigyor needs to be Cleaned. II will still play tapes,
but you should clean it as soon as possible to
provgnt damaga to your tapes and player. If you notice
a reduction In sound quality, Try a (tnown good
cassette to see if the tape or the tape player is at fault.
If this other cassette has no Improvement in sound

quality, clean the tapa player.

For best resutts, usa a scrubbing action, non-abrasive
cleaning cassette with pads which scrub the tape
head as the hubs Ы the cleaner cassette turn. The
recommended cleaning cassette* is avaiiabig thpcugh
your dealership.

The broken tape detection tealure o( your cassette tape
player may identify the cleaning cassette as a
damaged tape, in error To prevent the cleaning cassette
from being ejected, use the iollowing steps:

1. Turn the tgniiion on.

2. Turn the radio efi.

3. Press and hofd the TAPE CD button for five

socor^ds, READY will appear on the display and a

cassette s^'mbol will flash tor live seconds

4. Irtsert the scrubbing eclion cleaning cassette

5. Eject the cleaning cassette after the manufacturer’s

recornmonded cleaning lime.

After the cleaning cassette is ejected, the broken tape
detection feature will bo active again.

ŸOU may algo choose a non-scrubbing action, wet-type

cleaner which uses a cass^tie with a labric belt to
clean the tapo head. This type of cleaning cassette will

nol eject on ils own. A non-scrubbing action cleaner
may not ciean as thoroughly as the scrubbing type
cleaner The use of a non-scrubbing action, dry-type
cleaning cassette is not recommer>ded.
