GMC 2003 Envoy User Manual

Page 108

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Outside Automatic Dimming Mirror
with Curb View Assist

yDur veilicio has Ihls iearure, thp firivgr’s and/or

passenger's outside rnirror will adjust 10 a preset tilt
position while the vehicle is in REVERSE (R) gear.
Curb view Bssisl majf be useJul whgn you are parallel

parking. The mirroF(5} will return lo normal position when
Ihe vehicle is shihed out of REVERSE (R) gear.
Automatic mirror movement in either direction irtiill follow
a short delay.

To lirsT activate this feature, perform tha toltuwing steps:

1, Press the PersonaNzation button, located on the

sleerirtg wheel, until "Till Mirror in REVERSE (Rf


displayed on the D1C display.

2. Press the Selec! button once ID selocl the

passenger's side mirror, twice lor the driver's side
tnifior and three times for bolh rnirrors* Then
press the Personatization, ibi^tlon repeatedly until the
display goes blank.

3. With the engine running, engage the parkirig brake,

press the brake pedal and place Ihe vehicle In
REVERSE (R) gear,

4. Adjust the passenger's

Side and

rhen the







desired till positions,

These positions will he stored into memciiy once the
vehicle is sbirted out of REVERSE (R).

When Ihe vehicle is placed in PARK (P) or in any
forward gear, the mirror(s) will return to nocmat
driving posltlcn, following a shori delay

To change the Lilt position, adjust the mirror while ttie
vehicle is in REVERSE (Rj gear with the engine funming.
The parking hrake engaged and the brake pedal

pressed. The new position will be saved into menfiory
once the vehicle is shifted out of REVERSE fR).
