Customer assistance information, Customer satisfaction procedure – GMC 2003 Envoy User Manual
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Customer Assistance
Customer Satisfaction Procedure
Vour salislactlon artd goodwIU ач importani I
your dealer and to GMC. Marnially, any corcems with
(he sales transaction or The operation of your vehicle will
bfl rosotvad t?y your dealer's sales or service
depariments. Sometimes, howavor, despite the best
Intentions oj all concerned, misunderslaodings can
occur If your concern has not Ьеегг resolved to your
satastaction, Ihe followfng steps shoufd be
STEP ONE: Discuss your concern with a member of
dealership management. Normally, concerns can
be quickly resolved at that level, ti the matter has
already boon reviewed with the sales, service or parts
manager, conlaci The owner ot the dealership or
the general manager.
STEP TWO: It after contacting a member oi dealership
appears your concern cannoi be
resolved by the dealership without further heIp^ contact
the GMC Consumer Relations Manager by calling
1‘&00-еМС'87в2 (t^eoO-4S2-e702, Customer
Assistance pfompt). In Canada, conlacl Of\A of Canada
Customer Communfcdtion Centre in Oshawa by calling
tEnglishI or
We encourage you lo calf the toIMrea number ir order lo
give your iriqutry prompt attention. Please have the
following Information available to give The Custamer
Assislancfl Bepresontalive:
• Vehicle Idenfificaifon Number (This ts available from
the vehicle registration or litfe, or Ihe plate at the top
lelf of the insirumant panel and visitare through the
• Dgatershtp name and location
• Vehicle delivery date and present mileage
When conlactmg GMC, please remember that yaur
concern wilt likely be resolved at a dealer's facility. That
IS why we suggest you foltow Step One first il you
have a concern.
STEP THREE: Both General Motors and your dealer
are committed to making sure you are completely
satisfied wilh your new vehicle. However, if you continue
to remain ur>satisficd after lollowjng the procedure
outlined in Steps One and Two. you should filo with Ihe
GM/BBB Auro Ling Program to enlorte any additional
righls you may have. Canadian owners refer to
your Warranty and Owner Assistance Informalion
booktet lor infoimation on ihe Canadkan Motor Vehicle
Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP).