Environmental concerns, Traveling to remote areas, Getting famjtiar with off-road driving – GMC 2003 Envoy User Manual
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Environmental Concerns
Off^road driving can provide wholesome and aatfsfying
recneaticrt. However, it also raises environmental
co^ncems We recoanize
hese concern
and urgoovery
off-rpader to follow
hese basic rules ioi protecting
Ihe environment:
■ Always usa established trails, roads and areas that
liave been specially set aside for public oft-Toad
recreational driving; obey all posted regulaiions.
* Avoid any driving practice that could damage
the environmenl — shrubs, flowens, trees,
grasses — ordtsturb wildlifd ((his Includes
wheel-spinning, breaking down trees or
unnecBssary driving through strearos or over
Always carry a littar bag..-makg sure all refuse is
removed from any eariipslte before leaving.
* Take eMlreme care with open fires (where
penmitled), camp stoves and iantetns.
* Never park your vehicle over dry grass or other
oombiistiblB materials that oould catch Tire from
the heat of the vehicle's axhaust systsm.
Traveling to Remote Areas
tl makes sense lo plan your trip, especially when going
to a remote area. Know the terrain and plan your
mule. V
are much less likely
gel had surprises
Get accurate maps of trails and teuain. Try to team of
any blocked or closed roads.
Il'B also q good idea fo travel with at tgasf one other
vehicle. If something happeris to one of ibem, the other
can help quickly,
Does your vehiclo hava a winch? El so. be surs to read
the winch instructions. In a remote area, a winch
can be handy if you got sfuck. Buf youll want to know
bow to use it properly.
Getting Famjtiar with Off-Road Driving
It's a good idea to practice In an area Ihat's safe and
dose fo home before you
linlo the wildefness,
Off-road driving does require soma new and diftnreni
skills. Here’s what we mean.
Tuna your sonses lo differenr kinds oi signals, Vour
eyes, lor example, need toconslantly sweep Ihe terrain
lor unexpected obstacles. Vour ears need to listen
for unusual tire or angme sounds. With your arms,
hands, feel and body, you'll need lo respond lo
vibrations and vehicle bounce.