Cub Cadet I-Beam Style User Manual
Page 206
There are two log splitter cylinder manufactur-
ers. To identify Best Metal, the company’s
name and part number will be cast on the cyl-
To remove the piston end on Best Metal, you
must use a spanner wrench.
Hydraulic Cylinder Repair
Drain all fluid from cylinder.
With the body of cylinder held firmly, place a
sleeve over rod and tap cap inward. The rod
cap must be pushed inward into cylinder body
enough to clear retaining ring.
Carefully pry retaining ring out of the groove in
cylinder body making certain not to bend or
distort ring.
Grasp end of rod and pull piston and rod
assembly from tube assembly.
Inspect all components and seals for uneven
wear and/or contamination.
Remove all seals being careful not to scratch
any parts.
If the piston needs to be removed from rod,
secure rod in a vise using soft brass jaws and
remove piston nut turning counterclockwise.
Wash all parts with a clean solvent and wipe
dry with a clean, lint-free cloth.
Remove new seals from packing and place on
a clean, dry surface. See Table 6-2.
10. If the piston was removed from rod, install flat
O-rings on the OD of piston rod shank.
11. Lube O-rings with clean hydraulic fluid and
slide piston onto shark being careful not to
damage O-ring. Insure piston shoulders are
fully against rod.
12. With rod held firmly in a soft brass jawed vise,
tighten piston nut to 60 to 70 ft-lbs, torque.
Center punch the ID of threaded portion of nut
to keep nut in position. See nut for original
punch marks.
13. Clean piston seal groove and install O-ring and
backup washer.
14. Thoroughly clean ID of tube assembly.
15. Lube tube ID and OD of piston assembly with
clean hydraulic fluid and slide piston into tube.
16. Clean all seal grooves in rod cap.
17. Install rod wiper by tapping in place with a soft
mallet as required.
18. Install O-ring and backup washer in ID groove
of rod cap. The O-ring faces pressure side of
19. Prior to installing rod cap over rod end, check
rod end for burrs or nicks that would damage
the seals and polish smooth with #220 to 300
emery cloth as required.
20. Lube ID of rod cap and OD of rod. Slide rod
cap over rod. With a soft mallet tap rod cap into
cylinder body enough to clear rod cap locking
ring groove.
21. Carefully secure locking ring into the groove
making sure ring is fully seated in the groove.
22. Install cylinder on unit.
23. Upon reassembly, cycle unit to reset and prop-
erly position rod cap in cylinder body. This pro-
cedure should be done before returning the
unit to service.
(See Figure 6-8).
The Model 638 log splitter was redesigned in
1985 to include all of the improvements incor-
porated in the larger 5 HP and 8 HP, 642 and
645 log splitters. It is trailer mounted and han-
dles up to a 20-inch log. For a summary of
specifications for Model 632, see Table 6-3.
Log Splitters Page 10 Wednesday, February 20, 2002 1:35 PM