CANOGA PERKINS CanogaOS Configuration Guide User Manual
Page 278
CanogaOS Configuration Guide
Proprietary & Confidential Canoga Perkins Metro Ethernet Switches
Page 278 of 350
DUT(config-ip-acl)# exit
DUT(config)# ip access-list ip-acl2
DUT(config-ip-acl)# permit any host any
DUT(config-ip-acl)# exit
DUT(config)# qos aggregate-policer transmit1 color-blind cir 48000 cbs 8000 ebs
10000 drop-color red
DUT(config)# class-map cmap1
DUT(config-cmap)# match access-group ip-acl1
DUT(config-cmap)# exit
DUT(config)# class-map map cmap2
DUT(config-cmap)# match access-group ip-acl2
DUT(config-cmap)# exit
DUT(config)# policy-map aggflow1
DUT(config-pmap)# class-map cmap1
DUT(config-pmap-c)# policer-aggregate transmit1
DUT(config-pmap-c)# exit
DUT(config-pmap)# class-map cmap2
DUT(config-pmap-c)# set priority 56 color green
DUT(config-pmap-c)# police-aggregate transmit1
DUT(config-pmap-c)# exit
DUT(config-pmap)# exit
DUT(config)# interface eth-0-1
DUT(config-if)# service-policy input aggflow1
DUT(config-if)# exit
Configure QoS Mapping tables
CoS-Priority-Color Map
The following shows modifying a CoS-Priority-Color map. This map is used to generate an
internal priority color value from CoS during classification; this value determines the QoS action
in the DUT, such as selecting one of the eight egress queues, etc.
1. configure terminal.
2. qos map cos-pri-color cos <0-7> to PRIORITY COLOR to modify the
CoS-Priority-Color Map.
PRIORITY = priority value, range is 0-63.
COLOR = color values, red, yellow or green
The following example shows mapping cos 1 to priority 63 color green
DUT# configure terminal