CANOGA PERKINS CanogaOS Configuration Guide User Manual
Page 277
CanogaOS Configuration Guide
Proprietary & Confidential Canoga Perkins Metro Ethernet Switches
Page 277 of 350
(use-l3-length) to specify policer parameters to apply to multiple traffic classes
in the same or different policy-map.
NAME = name of the aggregate policer.
color-blind = Color blind mode policer
color-aware = color-aware: Color aware mode policer
cir = CIR - commit Information rate (bps)
cbs = commit burst size (bytes)
ebs = EBS - Excess Burst Size (bytes)
pir = PIR - Peak Information Rate
pbs = PBS - peak burst size (bytes)
drop-color = drop color config
use-l3-length = Use l3 length for policing
3. class-map (match-any|match-all) NAME to create a class map.
4. policy-map NAME to create a policy map.
NAME = name of the policy map.
5. class NAME to define a traffic classification.
NAME = name of the class map.
6. policer-aggregate NAME to apply the previously named aggregate policer to
multiple classes in the same or different policy-map.
NAME = name of the aggregate policer issued in the qos aggregate-policer command
previously in this procedure.
7. exit.
8. exit.
9. interface IFNAME to specify the interface to match to the policy map.
IFNAME = name of interface
10. service-policy input|output NAME to apply a policy map to the input or output
of the specified interface.
NAME = policy-map name to apply the specified policy-map to the interface.
Note: There can be only one policy map per interface per direction.
Note: The no policer-aggregate command deletes an aggregate policer from a policy map. The
no qos aggregate-policer command deletes an aggregate policer.
The following example shows creating an aggregate policer, and attaching it to multiple classes
within a policy map. In this example, the IP ACLs allow traffic from network and host The traffic rate from network and host is policed. If the traffic exceeds
a 48000-kbps average traffic rate and an 8000-byte normal burst size, it is considered out of
profile, and is dropped. The policy map is attached to an ingress interface.
DUT(config)# ip access-list ip-acl1
DUT(config-ip-acl)# permit any any