Technical alarms – Welch Allyn 6000 Series Connex Vital Signs Monitor - User Manual User Manual

Page 97

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Technical alarms

Alarm messages


Low battery 5 minutes or less remaining.


Searching for SpO2.


Communications module did not power on properly. Power down the device.


Check for occlusion in gas line.


Network not found; check network cable connection.

Very low

Battery is absent or faulty.

Very low

Battery is absent or faulty. Call for service.

Very low

NIBP air leak; check cuff and tubing connections.

Very low

NIBP not functional. Call for service.

Very low

Unable to determine NIBP; check connections and tubing for kinks.

Very low

Incorrect NIBP cuff size; check patient type.

Very low

Inflation too quick; check NIBP cuff and tubing connections.

Very low

Unable to determine NIBP; check connections; limit patient movement.

Very low

Unable to determine NIBP; check inflation settings.

Very low

SpO2 not functional. Call for service.

Very low

Attach SpO2 sensor to monitor.

Very low

Replace the SpO2 sensor.

Very low

Set date and time.

Very low

Maximum number of patient records saved. Oldest record overwritten.

Very low

Connect temperature probe.

Very low

Insert correct color-coded probe well.

Very low

Replace temperature probe.

Very low

Temperature not functional. Call for service.

Very low

Retry temperature measurement.

Very low

Temperature time limit exceeded. Retry temperature measurement.

Very low

Low battery, unable to print; plug into outlet.

Very low

Directions for use

Alarms 91