Specify date and time settings, Specify advanced alarm settings – Welch Allyn 6000 Series Connex Vital Signs Monitor - User Manual User Manual

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To exit the Advanced Settings and return to the Home tab, touch Exit.

Specify date and time settings

1. Access the Advanced Settings.

a. Touch the Settings tab.
b. Touch the Advanced tab.
c. Enter the Advanced settings code.
d. Touch OK.
The General tab appears.

2. On the General tab, touch the Date / Time tab.
3. Specify settings.



Date format

Select a date format for display.

Time zone

Select your time zone offset from Coordinated Universal

Time (UTC).

Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving time,

reported by host

Select this to adjust the displayed time by +/- one hour

when the connected host reports daylight savings time.

Allow users to change date and time

Select this to allow clinicians to set the date and time

from the Settings tab.

Display date and time

Select this to display the date and time on the Home tab

in the Device Status area.

4. Do one of the following:

To continue in the Advanced Settings, touch another tab.

To exit the Advanced Settings and return to the Home tab, touch Exit.

Specify advanced alarm settings

1. Access the Advanced Settings.

a. Touch the Settings tab.
b. Touch the Advanced tab.
c. Enter the Advanced settings code.
d. Touch OK.
The General tab appears.

2. Touch the Alarms tab.
3. Specify settings.




(vertical tab)

Allow user to disable alarms

Select to allow clinicians to turn off or turn on all alarm

limits for each vital sign. The control is on each

parameter-specific tab on the Alarms tab.

Nurse call threshold

Select the minimum priority alarm that activates a nurse

call relay. If you select


, only high-priority alarms

activate a nurse call relay. If you select



medium- or high- priority alarms activate a nurse call

164 Advanced settings

Welch Allyn Connex


Vital Signs Monitor 6000 Series™