Welch Allyn 6000 Series Connex Vital Signs Monitor - User Manual User Manual

Page 208

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Masimo specifications (for additional information, refer to the directions for use that

accompanies each accessory)

against a laboratory CO-Oximeter and ECG monitor. This variation equals ±1 standard deviation which encompasses

68% of the population.


The Masimo sensors have been validated for motion accuracy in human blood studies on healthy adult male and

female volunteers with light to dark skin pigmentation in induced hypoxia studies while performing rubbing and tapping

motions, at 2 to 4 Hz at an amplitude of 1 to 2 cm and a non-repetitive motion between 1 to 5 Hz at an amplitude of 2 to

3 cm in induced hypoxia studies in the range of 70% to 100% SpO2 against a laboratory CO-Oximeter and ECG monitor.

This variation equals ±1 standard deviation which encompasses 68% of the population.


The Masimo rainbow SET CO-Oximeter module has been validated for low-perfusion accuracy in bench-top testing

against a Fluke Biotek Index 2 simulator and Masimo's simulator with signal strengths of greater than 0.02% and

transmission of greater than 5% for saturations and pulse rates within the stated accuracy specifications. This variation

equals ±1 standard deviation which encompasses 68% of the population.


The Masimo sensors have been validated for pulse rate accuracy for the range of 25 to 240 beats per minute in bench-

top testing against a Biotek Index 2 simulator. This variation equals ±1 standard deviation which encompasses 68% of

the population.


SpHb accuracy has been validated on healthy adult male and female volunteers and on surgical patients with light to

dark skin pigmentation in the range of 8 g/dL to 17 g/dL SpHb against a laboratory CO-Oximeter. The variation equals ±1

standard deviation which encompasses 68% of the population. The SpHb accuracy has not been validated with motion

or low perfusion.


Respiration rate accuracy for the RRa sensor and instrument has been validated for the range of 4 to 70 breaths per

minute in bench-top testing. Clinical validation for up to 30 breaths per minute was also performed with the RRa sensor

and instrument.

CO2 specifications (for additional information, refer to the directions for use that accompanies

each accessory)

CO2 accuracy

1, 2, 3

0 to 38 mmHg: ±2 mmHg
39 to 150 mmHg: ±(5% of reading + 0.08% for every 1 mmHg

above 38 mmHg)

Flow rate

50 (42.5 ≤ flow ≤ 65) ml/min, flow measured by volume

Initialization time

40 seconds (typical, includes power-up and initialization


System response time

3.2 seconds (typical, includes module response time and

host monitor system response time)


The CO2 module is equipped with a barometric pressure

transducer and compensation is triggered at startup or

during other events (significant changes in temperature,

ambient pressure, etc.).
BTPS (standard correction used by Microstream capnography

during all measurement procedures for body temperature,

pressure, and saturation).

Cyclical pressure

10 kPa (100 cmH


O); module operates within specification

with overpressure up to 100 cmH



202 Specifications

Welch Allyn Connex


Vital Signs Monitor 6000 Series™