Properties – 2N NetStar Admin manual User Manual
Page 128
Strategy – select how to choose physical storages for the given logical storage.
A linear strategy is only available at present. The selection is active when you
click on any of the logical storages. You can change priority of the physical
storages by Drag&Drop function.
Linear – data are stored in a sequence starting from the first physical
storage. When the first storage is full, the next physical storage in the
sequence is used.
Keep files removed from evidence – if you tick off this option, the removed
files will be deleted from the register but remain in the physical storage.
Delete empty directories – a file is deleted automatically including the
directory when its validity terms expires.
Mapping– the section is active when you click on any of the physical storages
and includes the following parameters.
Status – this parameter displays the current status of the selected physical
storage within a specific logical storage, including whether the storage is
available or full.
Read only – this parameter disables file editing for the given physical
storage. The files can be read only.
Path – this parameter defines the path to a directory within the logical
storage mapped. This accelerates physical storage mapping as you just
search the selected directory instead of the entire structure. Make sure that
the selected directory really exists in the specified location.
Usable space – the parameter specifies some space in the currently
selected physical storage to be occupied by the given logical storage. It is
because one physical storage may be used by multiple logical storages (by
defining the used directory, e.g.), each of which may be assigned a
different data space size. Set
to leave the space unlimited on this level.
Used – this non–editable parameter informs of the current occupation of
the space reserved for the selected physical storage.
Table columns:
Subject type – this column displays the subject type to which the row relates.
Choose User, Group, Virtual port, or Virtual port type.
Subject – defines a subject of the above selected type.
Usage quota – defines the usable space for the given subject within the logical
storage data space (for all its physical storages).
Item size – defines the maximum file size for the given subject.
Number of items – defines the maximum count of files to be stored for the
given subject within the logical storage data space.
Item life [s] – sets the time for which the file stored for the given subject shall
be kept in the logical storage data space.
Delete oldest achieving quota – enables deletion of the oldest user files within
the logical storage data space (when the file retaining time expires).