Routing objects 7.2 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual
Page 78
Routing objects
Figure 1 View of the possible configuration of the DISA routing object.
This menu consists of many parameters with following meaning:
Tone – With this option you can choose suitable progress tone from the list. Your own progress tones
and messages you can add in the menu 6.6 Progress tones.
Strategy – This option sets way of using of the whole routing object DISA. You can choose between
two strategies:
Immediate – This strategy represents common concept of the DISA. When the call comes to
the carrier it is accepted, DTMF detector is connected and selected progress tone is played to
the calling user. Subsequent dialled number is searched within the preset router. If no digit is
detected to the timer expiration, call is routed to the preset default destination. DTMF detector
is connected only in the period from call acceptance till timeout expiration.
Alerting – This strategy represents new conception of the DISA object. When the call comes
to the carrier it is immediately routed to the preset default destination and this destination is
alerted till timeout expiration. This timeout is set by parameter Timeout. All-time the call isn't
accepted and calling user hears alert tone from the network. After timeout expiration is call
accepted, but only towards the calling user. Default destination is still alerted and calling user
hears preset progress tone. If the option DTMF is checked, is after timeout expiration also
connected DTMF detector, which is connected up to the end of the call routing (acceptance,
reject, ...). The DTMF digits are searched within the router preset in the option Destination.
Destination – This section sets specific router, which will be used for call routing. Moment when is
this section used depends on selected strategy.
Default destination – This section sets specific object, where is call routed. Moment when is this
section used depends on selected strategy.
DTMF – With this option you can set if you want to allocate DTMF detector for this object. Moment
when is this section used depends on selected strategy.
Timeout [s] – With this parameter you can set timeout for transition to another phase. The way of
usage depends on selected strategy.