9 autoclip parameters, 3 holidays, Autoclip parameters 6.9 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual

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Autoclip parameters



b) If option holiday is checked, no other options can't be checked, except option Interval negation;
c) If option day is checked, parameters From and To have to be in the range 1 – 31 (including) and

value of the parameter From can't be greater than value from the parameter To;
d) If option month is checked, parameters From and To have to be in the range 1 – 12 (including)

and value of the parameter From can't be greater than value from the parameter To;
e) If option time is checked, parameters From Hour and To Hour have to be in the range 0 – 23

(including) and parameters From Minute and To Minute have to be in the range 0 – 59 (including).

Composed time parameter From (Hour + Minute) can't be greater than composed time parameter To

(Hour + Minute);
Time conditions could be used for routing or for switching of user profiles.

6.8.3 Holidays

Holidays and important days you can set up in the menu

Global data – Time parameters –


. This menu is divided into two parts. In the left window is displayed list of defined holidays.

If you want to add another holiday, you have to choose option Add in the context menu. In the

window on the right side you have to choose specific day in the displayed calendar. Holiday you can

choose for actual year or as holiday which repeats every year via checkbox Valid every year, which

is situated below the calendar. Defined holidays aren't sorted alphabetically, but according to the

sequence of the set holidays. The list of the holidays you can also load from predefined file via option

Actualize from file. Particular holidays you can remove or rename as you want.

Figure 1 View of the menu for adding of holidays, which could be used by time conditions.

6.9 Autoclip parameters

Autoclip routing

Autoclip routing is in Netstar used for routing of the incoming calls and SMS messages. Mainly is this

function used on the carriers, which don't transfer calling party number of the PbX user for outgoing

calls (or messages). For example outgoing call via GSM carrier is identified as number of the SIM

card, which is installed in the specific port. Number of the calling user isn't displayed. For these cases

are information about outgoing calls and messages saved into the autorouting tables. Thanks to these

tables you can find originally calling user and route incoming call or message to this user. More

detailed description of the routing via autoclip routers you can find in the chapter 7.4 Autoclip
