Setting the properties tab 9.1 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual

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Setting the properties tab



is used for call holding. If you use this pattern when the call is in hold, you can reconnect that call. If

one call is active and second in hold, you can switch between calls using this pattern.
DISCONNECT pattern – With this parameter you can set up characters of the DISCONNECT pattern.

This pattern you can use when you have one call active and one in hold. Using this pattern you will

terminate active call and call in hold will be reconnected.

d) Forwarding

This tab is used for setting up of call forwarding. The highest priority has unconditional call forwarding

(CFU). Other two types of forwarding have the same priority and each is used for specific situation.

Call forwarding set on this tab can be changed for picked group within the tab Forwarding

exceptions which has higher priority. Another exception is following: If station A forwards its calls to

the station B, then station B can call to the station A ant it isn't forwarded (without any other

setting). This function is called Boss-secretary. On the tab Forwarding are following parameters:
CFNA – Call Forwarding at No Answer – This parameter sets call forwarding when called user doesn't

accept incoming call before expiration of following timeout.
CFNA timeout [ms] – With this parameter you can set timeout for CFNA forwarding. After its

expiration is call forwarded to the preset destination.
CFU – Call Forwarding Unconditional – This parameter sets call forwarding of all incoming calls

(highest priority). Each incoming call is forwarded to the preset destination regardless of other

settings of this tab.
CFEC – Call Forwarding on Error Cause – With this parameter you can set up call forwarding in the

case of routing on busy station or in the case of routing which ends with error cause.

e) Forwarding -- exceptions

The tab Forwarding – exceptions is used for setting up of exceptions to the forwarding which is set

within the tab Forwarding. Preset exceptions are used also when no forwarding rule is set within the

tab Forwarding. For each type of forwarding (CFU, CFNA and CFEC) is there one field, where you

can add limited number of exceptions. Each row represents one exception and is divided into two

parts. In the first part is determined calling party for which is this exception set. In the second part of

the row you can set up new destination for routing of this call. In the first part you can discriminate

between stations, users, ring groups, carriers, carrier types and station types. In the second part of

each row you can route the call to all possible destinations (same as in the tab Forwarding). You can

also use another three options with following meaning:
Disabled – With this option you can disable call forwarding set on the tab Forwarding for concrete

calling user (users). This user (users) is able to call to this destination.
White – With this option you can route concrete forwarded call to the destination preset in the field

CFW (forwarding enabled). If this field isn't filled in, routing according to this option is same as

routing according to the option Disabled.
Black – With this option you can terminate concrete forwarded call with cause "call reject". Calling

user hears congestion tone.

f) Tones

On this tab you can set up basic tones of the PbX, which are then played to the calling user. Whole

menu is divided into three parts. Within the first part, signed Dial, you can set up different dial tones

for concrete situations. Within the second part, signed Alert, you can set up different alert tones.

Within the third part, signed Congestion, you can set up different congestion tones. Within each of

these parts you can add another row via context menu. There you can define for which situation this

tone will be played. For this purpose is in the column Type displayed list of situations (states). In the