Progress tones 6.6 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual

Page 59

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Progress tones



Play – It is used for playing selected progress.

Progress configuration
– In this column you can choose one of listed commands, which consequently defines

meaning of that row.
Repeat – It defines number of repeating. This command can be used only once within each progress

and it means that all rows from the beginning to this row will be repeated. Number of repeating is set

within the column Repeating.
Pause – This command is used for creating delays between tones and announcements. Timeout for

this delay is set within the column Duration [ms]. This command can't be used as first command. It

has to be used first after using row with command Play or Play progress.
Play – This command plays selected element for time set in the column Duration [ms]. If you set

value 0, element is played to its end.
Play progress – This command is used for playing another progresses. Played progress is specified

in the column Progress. Other columns aren't used.
Priority – For each row with command Play you can define more sources. If one of sources isn't

presently available, it can be replaced by another source. Priority of choosing these sources is made

within this column.
Progress – It defines concrete progress for playing within the command Play progress.
Own file – It defines concrete file for playing within the command Play. You can choose from files

defined within the tab Own files.
Tone – It defines concrete tone for playing within the command Play. You can choose from tones

defined within the tab Tones.
Input (AUX in) – It defines concrete audio input for playing within the command Play. You can

choose from audio inputs defined within the tab Audio inputs.
Repeating – It defines count of repeating for command Repeat. If this column is set to value 0,

progress is played always. If it is set to 1, whole section from the beginning is played just ones.
Duration – This column defines duration for commands Play or Pause.

Language pack files

Language pack files list
This section shows all files of installed language packages, which you can use as sources for

progresses. Via context menu of this section you can save these files to local disk if you need.

Related progress list
In this section of screen are listed all progresses which are using upwards selected file. You are able

to use there all functions from context menu as on the tab Progress list.

Other sections
Sections Information about progress and Progress configuration are common for all tabs and

meaning of theirs parameters is described in part Progress list.