Gsm virtual port 3.5 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual

Page 31

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GSM virtual port



Stack status
This field displays information about stack and its actual state.

Network selection
Roaming enabled
– With this option you can enable roaming for concrete GSM virtual port.
Manual network selection – If this option isn't checked, inserted SIM tries to log into the prefered

network automatically. If it is checked, you have to enter correct network code and inserted SIM

card tries to log only into this concrete network. If this network is unreachable, SIM card doesn't try

to log into another network.
Network code – If needed, you have to fill in international network code composed from 5 digits

(e.g. T-mobile CZ= 23001, O2 CZ=23002, Vodafone CZ=23003).
Network name – This parameter shows name of the network corresponding with network code

entered within parameter Network code.

Signal diagnostic
Signal measuring
– select this option to enable signal level measuring for a selected carrier.
Signal monitoring – here enable signal level monitoring for a selected carrier. If the signal level

drops below the value specified in the Poor signal level parameter, a red exclamation mark appears

on the port in the

Hardware – Boards

menu and a red text is displayed in the upper stack status

field. This poor signal status gets changed after the signal level exceeds the value specified in the

Good signal level parameter. The interval between the values represents hysteresis.