5 services, Services 6.5 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual

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Figure 1 View of the menu where you can add language packages.

Meaning of each column is following:
Name – This column shows name of installed language package. Default packages are named

according to their language.
Storage – This column defines part of way to the package storage within the system data space.

Builtin means directory /opt/netstar and Internal means directory /data/netstar. Together with

column Directory gives absolute path to the storage.
Status – This column shows status of package installation.
Directory – This column shows way to the package storage within the system data space. Together

with column Storage gives absolute path to the storage.

6.5 Services

Services division

Services supported by PbX Netstar can be divided into three groups – User, Station and Others.
User – This group consists above all of user forwardings, including forwarding to the voicemail, then

of services as recording, playing and deleting of voicemail progresses, PIN changing, user's login to

the bundle and so on.
Station – This group consists above all of station forwardings, setting of station ringing in the case of

calling to the user, station login to bundle and carrier, private call, call back to the station and call

assumption from the station and so on.
Others – This group consists of all remaining services – progress tones recording, setting of date and

time, call back to the number, global setup, call assumption from the group, conference calls,

connection to call, profile activation and so on.

Services setting

In the menu

Global data - Services

is on the left side displayed list of the supported services.

Default list you can create by context menu and its option Default. On the right side of this menu

you can set up selected service. Within each service are displayed parameters, which you are able to

set up. Above all there are progress tones and messages for various period of service settings,

activation of the PIN for service usage, time of alerting and setting of the default destination for call

routing within services. If the service requests PIN, it is necessary to set PIN to the calling user,

otherwise is this service for him unavailable!