2 cornet virtual port, Cornet virtual port 3.2 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual

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Cornet virtual port



layer. Caution is made by red exclamation on the port within menu

Hardware – Boards

and by red

text in the field for stact status. This option can't be combined with option Disconnect L2.

Digital interface diagnostic
Line state
– Parameter can't be set. It shows only state of the first layer of the interface.
Number of SLIPs per minute – This parameter shows number of SLIPs. SLIP is caused by different

clock on devices on this interface (PbX and terminal). This value is refreshed each 6s, but it

represents weighted average per minute.
Bit error rate per second – Parameter BER (Bit Error Rate) shows number of incorrect transferred

bits on the interface during transmision. Value is refreshed each 6s, but it represents weighted

average per minute.

Tab Expert
Cause mapping
– This section represents additional function for modification of outgoing causes for

concrete virtual port. It could be useful if you need to adapt Netstar causes to specific conditions of

your network. On the left side you can choose concrete internal cause of Netstar and change it by

choosing needed cause on the right side. Cause on the right side will be sent to your network.

3.2 Cornet virtual port

This is the digital carrier for system phones StarPoint with proper signalling. On the tab Stack is only

part of possible configuration. Parametres are there dividid into few sections according to their

function. Rest of configuration for telephones StarPoint is situated in tab Properties in special tab

Softphone. Specific description of configuration of Softphone stations you can find in the chapter 9.1

Setting up the properties tab.

Virtual port state
Field in the upper part of this screen displays information about stack type and its actual state. You

can find there information about L1 and L2 states, information about increased bit error rate or about

nonsynchronous L1.

Digital interface parameters
Interface type
– You can't setup this parameter. It specify only type of interface.
Interface mode – This parameter is always set as NT and you can't change it. It is impossible use

this port to create trunk.
Bus mode – This parameter is always set as PTP and you can't change it. This port is used only for

one terminal.
Enabled channels – With this parameter you can enable concrete channel of the interface. If both

channels are disabled, you aren't able to establish calls.
Keep L1 active – With this parameter you can keep this interface active (L1 activated).
Inactive L1 as error – With this parameter you can enable caution about inactive L1. Inactive L1 is

indicated by red exclamation on the port in the menu

Hardware – Boards

and by red text in the

section for displaying state of port.
Nastavení chybovosti BER – With this parameter you can enable settings of range for bit error rate

for this port. If BER value exceeded BER error level is this fact indicated by red exclamation on the

port in the menu

Hardware – Boards

and by red text in the section for displaying state of port. This