Users and groups 8.1 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual
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Users and Groups
Scheme – This column sets scheme of the user identification. You can choose between "Number" and
Subtype – This column sets subtype of the user identification. You can choose between Unknown,
Internal, Local, National and International.
Number – Into this column you have to fill in user Number or URI according to column Scheme.
Ring pattern – For each record of user phone book you can choose different ring tone. If the PbX
accepts incoming call with calling party number corresponding to this record, your station will ring
according to this ring tone.
Remaining six columns are used for call forwarding of incoming calls of specific contact. Call
forwarding in phone books has the highest priority of all call forwardings set within the configuration.
The tab Voicemail is used for setting up of user voicemail and you can find it in the menu
Routing –
Users and Groups
. This tab occurs in two forms, depending on the level, where you want to use it.
Voicemail on groups
If you select one of the user groups or subgroups, you can change only few parameters. Setting on
this level has lower priority then setting done on the user.
Progress – With this option you can choose specific voicemail progress tone from the list.
Primary mail account – With this parameter you can define SMTP client which will be used for
sending voicemails within this group.
Secondary mail account – With this parameter you can define SMTP client which will be used for
sending voicemails within this group in the case of functionless primary SMTP client.
Mail subject – With this option you can define mail subject of voicemails. Except static text you are
able to use some dynamic strings with following meaning:
%u – Name of called user.
%n – Name of calling user.
%c – Number of calling user.
%d – Date and time of voicemail creation.
Voicemail on users
If you select one of the users, you can set up more parameters than on the group level. Meaning of
these parameters is following:
Progress – With this option you can choose specific voicemail progress tone from the list.
Maximal record count – This parameter sets maximum count of the voice messages which you can
store in the PbX.
Maximal record length [s] – This parameter sets maximum time of recording for each voice
message. After expiration of this time is incoming call automatically cleared.
Record expiry [s] – This parameter sets maximum time of voice message storing within the PbX.
After expiration of this time will be specific voice message removed.
CFNA – Call Forwarding at No Answer – This parameter sets forwarding to the voicemail in the case
of unacceptance of the incoming call before timeout expiration. This timeout you can specify on the
tab Forwarding within the tab Properties at the same user. Default value of this timeout is set to
30 seconds.