5 phone books, 1 user phone book, Phone books 8.5 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual

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Phone books



assign selected station to one of the created terminals.
c) SIP terminals are identified by their SIP URI. Terminals you can create at the SIP proxy carriers.

With option Terminal you can easily assign selected station to one of the created terminals.


The tab Properties consists of many tabs, which are described in the separate chapter. This tab is

exceptional, because almost for all its parameters you can use hierarchical structure. This structure

and description of all parameters is situated in the chapter 9.1 Setting up the properties tab.


On this tab you can set up properties of the stations within the selected user profile. On this tab you

aren't able to create new profiles, but you can edit existing. Station profile constitutes setting with

the highest priority. On the left side is situated list of profiles, which were created at the user level.

When you select one of these profiles, you will see two new tabs – Basic and Properties. On the tab

Basic at the station profile level you can find only following parameters:
Active – This option activates station within the selected user pofile. If it isn't checked, incoming calls

to this station are rejected. Station itself is able to establish outgoing calls.
Mobility Extension – With this option you can set call routing to this station in the case, that it is

routed to the user and specific user profile is currently active. If it isn't checked, calls are routed to

this station only if the incoming call is routed directly to it.
The tab Properties consists of many tabs, which are described in the separate chapter. This tab is

exceptional, because almost for all its parameters you can use hierarchical structure. This structure

and description of all parameters is situated in the chapter 9.1 Setting up the properties tab.

Don't forget, that setting at the station profile level has the highest priority!

8.5 Phone books

8.5.1 User phone book

While creating the user, there is automatically created private phone book. List of user phone books

is displayed on the left side of the menu

Phone books – User

. The phone book has limited capacity

of the records. Starting value is set to ten records for each user. This limit could be changed via

parameter Max.User Tel.Nums which you can find on the tab Basic at the user. Individual records

you can edit in the menu

Routing – Users & Groups

on the tab Phone book.

Within context menu on the right side of the menu you can use following optionst:
Add – It is used for adding of another row of the selected phone book.
Delete – This option is used for removing of the selected row of the phone book.
Delete all – This option is used for removing of all rows of the selected phone book.
Find (F3) – It could be used for searching of the specific records within the selected phone book.

Only whole first words with respect to lower and upper cases can be searched.
Find next (F5) – This option is used for repeated searching of one string. This string have to be

entered into function Find (F3) at first.
Export – With this option you can export current phone book into the xml or csv file.
Import – With this option you import phone book from the xml or csv file.