Routers 7.1 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual
Page 71
Number – It means digits, letters A, B, C, D and characters *, #, +.
, – Comma means waiting for one second.
p(X) – Symbol X you have to replace by number of seconds you want to wait. This instruction
corresponds to "X" commas.
t – Parameter "t" sets if preset number is dialled after connect to the voice channel (parameter "t" is
used) or if it is only dialled with delay before connect (parameter "t" isn't used).
Scheme – In this column you can change called number scheme to number or URI. Default value of
this column is "Preserve".
Subtype – In this column you can change called number subtype to Internal, Local, National,
International or Unknown. Default value of this column is "Preserve".
1) Instruction t1p(5)3,,*6 means, that after connect is dialled digit one, then waits dialler for five
seconds, then is dialled digit three, dialler waits two seconds and then are dialled character * and
digit six.
2) Instruction 1,2,,3p(3)456 means, that is in this row dialled digit one, follows one second delay,
then is dialled digit two, follows two second delay, then is dialled digit three, follows three seconds
delay and then are dialled digits four, five and six.
Destination type – This column sets type of destination, where you want to route incoming call via
this rule. You can choose between all routing objects (if they are created). In this column you can
find three options which need more detailed description:
Default – If you use this option, incoming call is routed directly to another routing level (if any
exists). It is used generally in the case of sets using. With option Default is incoming call routed
back to the superior set and routing continues to another row within this set.
Disabled – If you use this option, routing of incoming call is immediately terminated. Calling user
hears congestion tone.
Origin – This option returns changed number from the specific router back to the incoming port
(through this port came call to the PbX).
Destination Id – This column sets specific destination of previously selected destination type.
Tone – In this column you can define tone, which is played to the calling user after prefix dialling in
the case of overlap sending. Tone is played after dialling only in the case, that called number length
is defined and another destination is router.
Time condition – With this column you can set time condition to each row of the router. The routing
rule within row with time condition is valid only in the time when is valid preset time condition.
Thanks time conditions you are able to create sophisticated routing according to the time. For the
same incoming conditions (except time) you can route the call to different destinations.
Default destination – If incoming call doesn't correspond to any of the preset prefixes, the call is
routed to this default destination (set within the section below the window with rules):
Default type – This part sets type of destination, where you want to route incoming call. You can
choose between all routing objects (if they are created).
Default Id – This part sets specific destination of previously selected destination type.
b) By calling number
This router is based on routing according to the calling number (CLI). Router consists of twelve