Boards 2.2 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual
Page 18
After clicking on the right mouse button within the view of boards are available following options:
Add board – This option can be used only when context menu was invoked on free position of the
case (without any board). You can add board which is detected or your own from the list of supported
boards for this possition.
Remove board – This option is used for removing selected board. If this board has assigned virtual
ports, you can remove them also or retain.
Migrate virtual port/resource – This option can be used only when context menu was invoked on
some port. It starts dialogue box for virtual ports substitution.
Synchronize with detected – With this option you can synchronize actual case or extender with
detected boards of the PbX. If some board have to be removed from actual database, you have to
confirm it.
Expert menu – This option is used for access to advanced functions for case, board or virtual port.
Particular functions of this section are described below.
Expert menu – Virtual port
Assign virtual port/resource – This option assigns existing virtual port to the physic port. Virtual
port is selected from the list.
Create virtual port/resource – This option can be used only on physic ports without any assigned
virtual ports. New virtual port is automatically assigned to this physic port.
Remove virtual port/resource – With this option you can remove virtual port from concrete physic
port. This virtual port isn't deleted and is ready for another use including all its settings (routing,
assigned stations, ...). Name of this virtual port is changed from XXX to UnassignedXXX.
Delete virtual port/resource – With this option you can remove and permanent delete virtual port.
Such virtual port you aren't able to use later.
Regenerate name – With this option you can change name of concrete virtual port according to its
physic port.
Expert menu – Board and Case
Create virtual ports/resources – With this option you can create virtual ports for all physic ports
of the board or case at once. "All" means all physic ports without assigned virtual port.
Remove virtual ports/resources – With this option you can remove all virtual ports of the board or
case at once. These virtual ports aren't deleted and can be used later including their settings. Names
of these virtual ports are changed from XXX to UnassignedXXX.
Delete virtual ports/resources – With this option you can delete all virtual ports of the board or
case at once. These virtual ports can't be used anymore. Regenerate unchanged names – With
this option you can change all unchanged names of virtual ports of the board or case according to
theirs physic ports.
Regenerate all names – With this option you can change names of all virtual ports of the board or
case according to theirs physic ports.
Following figure shows all possible states of signalization on ports of the board.