Setting the properties tab 9.1 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual
Page 117

Setting the properties tab
column Tone you can select required progress tone from another diaplayed list. In the case of dial
tones is possible that for incoming call are satisfied more rules. Then is always used that rule, which
is higher in configuration. On the right side are two buttons (arrows) which can be used for changing
priority of already created rows.
g) Ring patterns
On this tab you can assign ring tones according to the calling party. Via context menu you can add
another rows to the table with parameters. Meaning of columns is following:
Type – In this column you can choose one of the listed objects. When is this object recognized,
station rings according to the column Pattern. You can choose between CLIP, station, station type,
user, group, carrier and carrier type.
Scheme – This column is active only if option CLIP is used within the column Type. Within this
column is set if incoming CLI (Calling Party Number) scheme is Number or URI. If this column
doesn't correspond to incoming scheme, this row can't be used.
Subtype – This column is active only if option CLIP is used within the column Type and option
Number is used within the column Scheme. Within this column is set incoming CLI (Calling Party
Number) subtype. If this column doesn't correspond to incoming subtype, this row can't be used.
CLIP/Id – Within this column you can set up specific object of type selected within the column
Type. If there is selected option CLIP, you have to fill in CLI (Calling Party Number).
Pattern – Within this column you can set up ring pattern for each row from the list of patterns.
Also in the case of Ring tabs is applied rule that row which is higher in configuration has also higher
priority. On the right side of the menu are two buttons (arrows) which can be used for changing
priority of already created rows.
h) Softphone
The tab Sofphone is used for setting up of parameters of the system phones StarPoint. This settings
aren't created automatically (except carrier type Default IN), but you can create it at all levels of fall-
down hierarchy via button Create softphone station. In the same way you can also delete it via
button Remove softphone station. The tab Softphone consists of another two tabs: Keypad and
Parameters. The tab Parameters is used exclusively for setting up of system phones StarPoint.
Within the tab Keypad you can set up type of used terminal. Only on the level of stations is
connected station type detected automatically (for system phones StarPoint). Another settings of this
tab can be used only for system phones StarPoint.
Terminal – You can choose from the list of available terminals:
ANALOG – It indicates any analog terminal.
ECONOMY – It indicates system phone 2N StarPoint – type Economy.
ADVANCED – It indicates system phone 2N StarPoint – type Advanced.
ENTRY – It indicates system phone 2N StarPoint – type Entry.
BASIC – It indicates system phone 2N StarPoint – type Basic.
STANDARD – It indicates system phone 2N StarPoint – type Standard.
ISDN – It indicates any ISDN terminal.
GSM – It indicates any GSM terminal.
VoIP – It indicates any VoIP terminal.
Extenders – If one of the system phones 2N StarPoint was choosen, you can connect extenders with
another programable keys. You can connect up to four extenders with sixteen keys or up to two