2 localization, Localization 6.2 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual
Page 53
concrete prefix to virtual port via parameter
Added prefix for external CLIP, which you can find on the tab Basic. Meaning of columns from tab
is following:
Prefix name – It defines name of prefix, which is used in another menus within configuration tool.
Prefix – Here you have to define concrete prefix, which is then added to calling party identification.
Group of users – In this column you are able to define groups of users, which can use this concrete
prefix. If any group isn't selected then is prefix valid for all groups of the PbX.
From the public network comes call from number 777123456. Call is routed through the PbX to the
user Karel Furst, which belongs to the group of users Skupina 1. His VoIP phone is registered to SIP
proxy, which has assigned prefix PRI GTS (figure 1) in parameter Added prefix for external CLIP.
If is number 777123456 in phone book to user's phone is sent name of calling user and also his
number with added prefix 51. Presented calling party number is now 51777123456. If user Karel
Furst wants to call back to this contact, he can dial it directly from list of missed calls (or received
calls). Call is correctly routed to the specified port with minimal costs (it depends on routing).
6.2 Localization
Destination selection
In this field you have to set up numbers and prefixes according to international numbering plan. This
setting subsequently facilitate normalization of incoming and outgoing numbers. It could be used for
easier routing:
Destination – Here you can choose your location (country) from the list. Country code and access
codes will be filled in automatically. This settings could be changed manually if needed.
Number – This number presents country code within international numbering plan. For example for
Czech Republic is it number 420 and for Slovakia is it number 421.
Prefixes – This prefix presents access codes for access to international telephone network. By
default it is 00 and + for GSM network.
Figure 1 Menu for setting up of basic localization parameters of PbX.