Sip virtual ports 3.6 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual
Page 36
SIP virtual ports
assigned to the specific terminal on the tab Stations.
Figure 3 View of configuration part related only to SIP proxy.
Proxy parameters
Registrations validity – With this parameter you can define time of validity for terminal
registrations. After expiration each terminal has to send new register request. Parameter could be set
in range 30 – 3600s.
This section is used for terminals management. If terminals aren't created then VoIP phones can't
register to this SIP proxy. Registered phone is indicated by new connection at concrete terminal. To
one terminal you can register more than one phone. In the case of outgoing call to such terminal are
alerted all its registered phones until first of them accepts call. Incoming calls are identified according
to stations which are assigned to terminals on the tab Stations.
RTP interface
Name – Shows only name of concrete RTP interface of the PbX.
UDP min – Here you have to set up lower limit for used UDP port range for RTP stream.
UDP max – Here you have to set up higher limit for used UDP port range for RTP stream.
NAT – With this parameter you can enable routing of RTP stream through NAT.
NAT source – In the case of using Fixed IP in the column NAT, you have to fill in concrete NAT IP
address to this column.
NAT base – In the case of using Fixed IP in the column NAT, you have to fill in concrete NAT port to
this column.
Supported – In this field you can find list of supported codecs. You can't find here codecs which were
selected as used.
Selected – In this field you can find list of codecs, which are used for communication on this virtual