2 pri virtual port, Bri and pri virtual ports 3.1 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual
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BRI and PRI virtual ports
Terminals – This field is activ only for virtual ports on mode NT with bus mode MPT and you have to
enter there all connected terminals and theirs MSN numbers. To these terminals you can after it
assign stations. Terminal with concrete MSN number then uses identification of assigned station.
Digital interface diagnostic
Line state – Parameter can't be set. It shows only state of the first layer of the interface.
Number of SLIPs per minute – This parameter shows number of SLIPs. SLIP is caused by different
clock on devices on this interface (PbX and terminal). This value is refreshed each 6s, but it
represents weighted average per minute.
Bit error rate per second – Parameter BER (Bit Error Rate) shows number of incorrect transferred
bits on the interface during transmision. Value is refreshed each 6s, but it represents weighted
average per minute.
Tab Expert
Cause mapping – This section represents additional function for modification of outgoing causes for
concrete virtual port. It could be useful if you need to adapt Netstar causes to specific conditions of
your network. On the left side you can choose concrete internal cause of Netstar and change it by
choosing needed cause on the right side. Cause on the right side will be sent to your network.
3.1.2 PRI virtual port
PRI carriers are assigned to physic ports of ISDN boards for Primary Rate Interface. Hardware
configuration of PRI carriers you can find in the menu
Virtual ports – BRI/PRI
on the tab Stack.
On the left side is displayed list of all PRI virtual ports and on the right side of this menu you can
configure parameters of the selected carrier. Whole configuration is divided into logical parts.
Stack status
This field displays information about stack and its actual state. You can find here information about
states of L1 or L2 and about higher error rate or loss of synchronization.
Digital interface parameters
Interface type – Parameter can't be set. It shows onlz tzpe of interface including information about
bit rate.
Interface mode – With this parameter you can switch between NT (Network Termination) and TE
(Terminal Equipment) mode. For correct function it is necessary to adjust software and hardware
configuration and set jumpers for each port on board correctly. As guide you can use figure 2 or
picture which is on each board.
Enabled channels – Checkboxes of this parameter are used for activation of B-channels. If no
channel is checked, you aren't able to use this port for communication (it behaves as busy).
Deactivate L1 – Parameter is used for L1 deactivation on interface without calls. Layer is
automatically deactivated by PbX after timeout expiration. Incoming call automatically activates this
Keep L1 active – When this option is checked, PbX always try to keep L1 active on this interface and
you don't need to activate interface by additional calls. This option can't be combined with option
Deactivate L1.
Inactive L1 as error – With this option you can activate caution about inactive first layer. Caution is
made by red exclamation on the port within menu
Hardware – Boards
and by red text in the field
for stact status. This option can't be combined with option Deactivate L1.