Routers 7.1 – 2N PBX 2N NetStar - Configuration Manual v2.6.0 User Manual
Page 73

and you can't change it. Calling party number subtype changes made within this router are used only
for routing and not for call identification.
e) By call type
This router is based on routing according to the call type (voice, data, video, ...). All columns have
the same meaning as in the case of router by called number subtype except first one. First column
sets up call type. When is preset call type recognized, call is routed to the preset destination.
f) By port
This router is based on routing according to the incoming port (call comes into the PbX through this
port). All columns have the same meaning as in the case of router by called number subtype
except first one. First column sets up port. When is preset port recognized as incoming port of the
call, routing continues to the preset destination.
Message routing
The last router type is router for SMS messages, which routes according to the text from SMS body.
This router you can create also in the menu
Routing – Routers
and it can't be used for call routing.
This router consists of five columns with following meaning:
Prefix – This column is used for set up of text string which have to be recognized on the beginning of
the SMS message. After recognition of this string is SMS message routed through the PbX according
to the preset rule.
Replace – This column you can use for SMS message modification. Except common replacement of
the incoming text for another you can insert instructions with following meaning:
%c – It inserts number of the sender (CLI).
%l – It inserts number of the receiver (CDN).
%se – With this instruction you can erase whole text of incoming message. If you
leave column "Replace" empty, it is translated as "Don't change incoming text".
%sr(B,E) – This instruction uses incoming text, but first "B" characters and last "E"
characters are deleted.
%ss("STRING",X,N) – With this instruction you can find X-th appearance of the
STRING within the incoming SMS message. From this point you can leave N letters of the
incoming text and all other letters are deleted. If you use zero for parameter N, it means that
you want to insert whole text (from mentioned point to the end of the message).
%sm(B,L) – From the B-th character of the SMS message you can insert L
characters of the incoming message. If you use zero for parameter L, it means that you want
to insert whole rest of the text.
Destination type – This column sets type of destination, where you want to route incoming SMS
message via this rule. You can choose only from destinations that can be used for SMS routing. In
this column you can find two options which need more detailed description:
Default – If you use this option, incoming SMS message is routed directly to another routing level (if
any exists). It is used generally in the case of sets using. With option Default is incoming SMS
message routed back to the superior set and routing continues to another row within this set.
Disabled – If you use this option, routing of incoming SMS message is immediately terminated. SMS
message isn't delivered!
Destination Id – This column sets specific destination of previously selected destination type.
Time condition – With this column you can set time condition to each row of the router. The routing