About the cinema tools documentation, Additional resources – Apple Cinema Tools 4 User Manual

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The integration between Cinema Tools and Final Cut Pro makes it possible to perform
the most common Cinema Tools tasks directly from Final Cut Pro—Cinema Tools performs
the tasks automatically in the background.

About the Cinema Tools Documentation

Cinema Tools comes with the Cinema Tools 4 User Manual (this document), which provides
detailed information about the application. This comprehensive document describes the
Cinema Tools interface, commands, and menus and gives step-by-step instructions for
creating Cinema Tools databases and for accomplishing specific tasks. It is written for
users of all levels of experience. This manual documents not only all aspects of using the
Cinema Tools application, but also all related functions within Final Cut Pro.

Note: This manual is not intended to be a complete guide to the art of filmmaking. Much
of the film-specific information presented here is very general in nature and is supplied
to provide a context for the terminology used when describing Cinema Tools functions.

Additional Resources

Along with the documentation that comes with Cinema Tools, there are a variety of other
resources you can use to find out more about Cinema Tools.

Cinema Tools Website
For general information and updates, as well as the latest news on Cinema Tools, go to:

Apple Service and Support Websites
For software updates and answers to the most frequently asked questions for all Apple
products, go to the general Apple Support webpage. You’ll also have access to product
specifications, reference documentation, and Apple and third-party product technical

For software updates, documentation, discussion forums, and answers to the most
frequently asked questions for Cinema Tools, go to:

For discussion forums for all Apple products from around the world, where you can search
for an answer, post your question, or answer other users’ questions, go to:



Welcome to Cinema Tools