Apple Cinema Tools 4 User Manual
Page 68

The Detail View window contains the following fields and buttons:
Field for take notes
Field for telecine
session notes
Previous Record and
Next Record buttons
Database Fields and Buttons
These fields and buttons apply to the entire database.
• Previous Record and Next Record buttons (arrows): Click these buttons to switch to the
previous or next record (as currently sorted and displayed in the List View window).
Note: One of these buttons is dimmed when you are at the beginning or end of the
list and there isn’t a previous or next record.
As a shortcut, you can use the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys on your keyboard. If
you have made changes to the current record, a dialog appears asking if you want to
save those changes.
• New Record button: Click to create a new database record. In the dialog that appears,
enter the scene and take identifiers for the new database record. See
for more information.
• Save button: Click when you have added or modified data in the current database
record. Your added or modified information is not recorded unless you click Save.
• Telecine Session area: This area, in the middle-right part of the window, lists the name
of the telecine log file imported into the database (if applicable).
• Telecine Session Notes field: Enter any notes you want to include about the telecine
Note: This field is available only if you have imported a telecine log file into the database.
Scene and Shot Description Fields
You only need to enter this data once per scene. Once you enter it, it is added to all
existing and new records for the same scene.
• Scene description field: Enter a description of the scene.
Chapter 5
Working with Databases