If you need, To reel balance, If you need to reel balance – Apple Cinema Tools 4 User Manual
Page 184

Click Save.
If you selected “Save a Cinema Tools program file,” enter a filename and location for the
file in the dialog that appears, then click Save.
Give the program file a name that clearly identifies the sequence and the version, so that
you can easily locate the file later if you need to export another change list.
A change list file is generated that contains all the lists you selected in the Export Change
List dialog.
If You Need to Reel Balance
In reel balancing, heads and tails of reels are reapportioned to make sure the length of
each reel is in the right range.
If you want to do any reel balancing in Final Cut Pro, perform the reel balancing edits
separately from any other changes. For instance, to move a scene from the head of one
reel to the tail of another, first conform the two reels to the change lists exported from
their associated sequences. Then, in Final Cut Pro, cut the scene from the head of the
sequence for reel 1 and paste it at the tail of the sequence for reel 2. Finally, export new
change and cut lists for both sequences and use those lists as a guide for balancing the
two reels. Note that shots deleted from one reel should be exactly the same length as
the shots added to the other reel.
Chapter 10
Generating Film Lists and Change Lists