Apple Cinema Tools 4 User Manual

Page 110

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Advantages of Using a Cinema Tools Batch Capture List

Using a Cinema Tools batch capture list provides several benefits:

Time savings: You can let Cinema Tools generate your batch capture list for you instead

of creating it manually yourself.

Accuracy: The batch capture list captures source clips that match your database


Convenient source clip filenaming: When you batch capture from a database batch

capture list, your source clip files are named with a naming scheme based on the
scene and take identifiers. For example, scene 10, take 1 would be given the filename

Automatic linking between source clips and the database: With the Connect Clips

command, you can automatically link your captured source clips to the appropriate
database records.

Note: You do not have to create a batch capture list from a Cinema Tools database. An
alternative is to first batch capture your clips with Final Cut Pro and then generate a
database from your Final Cut Pro batch capture list. However, this is not ideal because
you lose some of the advantages of building your database from a telecine log or Avid
Log Exchange (ALE) file. Most importantly, the key number and camera roll information
is not added to each database record, so you have to enter that information manually.

Importing Database Information from a Batch Capture List

for more information.

About Standard and XML Batch Capture List Differences

You have the option with Cinema Tools of creating either a standard or XML-based batch
capture list. In both cases, you can choose whether to include all records in the found
set or just those records that have valid video reel, timecode start, and timecode duration
values and are not already connected to a clip.

Standard batch capture lists: These are plain text files that contain reel, clip name (based

on the shot and take fields), comment, and timecode information. You choose whether
to output a video or audio list.

XML batch capture lists: These lists contain the same information as the standard lists,

including both the audio and video information, plus all of the film information such
as edge code values, film type, and telecine speed. This additional information is added
to each clip’s entry in the Final Cut Pro Browser, where it can be displayed.

Tip: When set to include all records in the current found set, exported XML batch
capture lists can actually be thought of as an XML representation of the database for
those records. Your facility may find additional uses for these lists beyond capturing


Chapter 7

Capturing Source Clips and Connecting Them to the Database