Ag Leader EZ-Guide 500 Getting Started Guide User Manual

Page 32

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You can change two settings for the Headland pattern:

The number of circuits

The internal pattern (in Advanced mode only)

Number of circuits

When you create a headland, you need to specify the total number of circuits (including the master
headland). This defines how wide the headland is.

Note: No matter how many circuits you are creating, you only define the outside headland. The inner
headlands circuits are copied from that original circuit.

Internal pattern

The internal pattern is the pattern of the guidance lines inside the headland. In Easy mode, the internal
pattern is automatically an AB Line. In Advanced mode, there is a choice of two internal pattern types:



Straight AB

Creates standard parallel swaths inside a headland


Creates parallel swaths at a pre−defined heading

Ending the headland

Note: You need to define the master line for the internal pattern before you complete the headland.

To finish defining the headland, do one of the following: