Installing web tools and logging on to the switch – HP HSG Array Controller User Manual

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5-4 StorageWorks Fibre Channel Storage Switch User's Guide

Compaq Confidential – Need to Know Required

Writer: Bill Reitz Project: StorageWorks Fibre Channel Storage Switch User's Guide Comments:

Part Number: AA-RHBYA-TE 135267-001 File Name: f-ch5 Managing the Switch over the Web Last Saved On: 4/7/99 12:36 PM

LED status which allows you to monitor all port status at the same time. Port
details include statistics about frames, interrupts, and errors that are helpful
when troubleshooting.

Administrative Interface Page

The Administrative Interface Page is used to perform routine functions such as
enabling and disabling ports. Upgrading firmware can also be initiated from
this page.

Telnet Interface Page

The Telnet Interface Page uses Telnet commands (configuration, diagnostics,
displaying, and routing) for Switch diagnostics, troubleshooting, and

Installing Web Tools and Logging on to
the Switch

Fabric Management and Licensing

All Compaq Switches are license. It is possible that other Switches in a Fabric
may not have the Web browser license key installed. This does not prevent a
Switch from appearing in the Fabric view page on the browser, but attempting
to click on an unlicensed Switch in order to manage that Switch results in a
failure. Each Switch must contain a web management license in order for the
web browser to display detailed performance data on ports, enter
administrative data, and to perform Switch management functions on that
Switch using the web. Telnet and SNMP can always be used to manage a
Switch without a license.