Power vs. time, Edge power vs. time, Power ramp relative accuracy – Agilent Technologies N9010A User Manual
Page 243
Chapter 27
GSM/EDGE Measurement Application
Supplemental Information
Power vs. Time
EDGE Power vs. Time
GMSK modulation (GSM)
π/8 shifted 8PSK modulation, 3π/4 shifted
π/4 shifted 16QAM, –π/4 shifted
32QAM modulation in NSR/HSR (EDGE)
Measures mean transmitted RF carrier
power during the useful part of the burst
(GSM method) and the power vs. time
ramping. 510 kHz RBW
Minimum carrier power at RF Input
for GSM and EDGE
−35 dBm (nominal)
Absolute power accuracy for in-band
signal (excluding mismatch error)
−0.11 ±0.27 dB (95th percentile)
Power Ramp Relative Accuracy
Referenced to mean transmitted power
±0.16 dB
Measurement floor
−87 dBm
a. The power versus time measurement uses a resolution bandwidth of about 510 kHz. This is not wide
enough to pass all the transmitter power unattenuated, leading the consistent error shown in addition to
the uncertainty. A wider RBW would allow smaller errors in the carrier measurement, but would allow
more noise to reduce the dynamic range of the low-level measurements. The measurement floor will
change by 10
× log(RBW/510 kHz). The average amplitude error will be about −0.11 dB ×
((510 kHz/RBW)
). Therefore, the consistent part of the amplitude error can be eliminated by using a
wider RBW.