Teledyne LeCroy Sierra M122 User Manual User Manual
Page 317

Sierra M122 SAS/SATA Protocol Analyzer User Manual
Sierra Trainer Generation Language
Teledyne LeCroy
Send_RAW_TTIU / SendRawTTIU(Pattern_marker 320bits of BMC encoded TTIU ,IDLE
count, Repeat count)
This command is for transmitting a Raw_ttiu. i.e BMC encoded 320 bits ttiu can be
specified here.User is given a flexibility to specify the pattern marker.
sendrawttiu(3ff 3ff 000 000
3ff 000 3ff 000
3ff 000 3ff 000
3ff 000 3ff 000
3ff 000 3ff 000
3e0 3ff 01f 000
3ff 000 3ff 000
3ff 000 3ff 000
3ff 000 3ff 000
,0x3a ,0x10 )
For TRAINING_ERROR_COUNT, Change_local_tx_parameter, Tx_status_word
commands hardware creates separate variables with pre defined address. When user
specifies this command, software should compile the commands in to variable
commands with specific pre defined variable address
Other Tx‐training related Commands
1. LINK_SPEED_12G : For setting speed to 12G
2. Set OOB_SpeedNeg_Phy_g4 WithoutSSC : Sets the G4 Without SSC bit of phy
capability window
3. Set OOB_SpeedNeg_Phy_g4 WithSSC : sets the G4 with SSC bit of phy capability
4. SEND_TRAIN_TX_WINDOW : Start sending tx training window.
5. Set OOB_SpeedNeg_MTTT : Sets the Maximum tx training time for Tx‐
training Window