Teledyne LeCroy Sierra M122 User Manual User Manual
Page 313

Sierra M122 SAS/SATA Protocol Analyzer User Manual
Sierra Trainer Generation Language
Teledyne LeCroy
Send_ttiu ((0x00006000, 0x36, 0xA)
Wait_ttiu (change_ttiu , 0x00004000)
Change_Local_tx_parameter (0x0400) //requesting to change the tx
parameters to reference_1
@temp=@received_control & 0x1111000 //0x11110000 is the mask data so that
the variable contains only the
Change_Local_tx_parameter(@temp)//variable as input
@status= Local_ Tx_status_word
@temp=@status | @control
Where “0x0400” is the control word of TTIU.
Local_ Tx_status_word
This instruction is for getting the status of the local tx parameters for the previous
requested tx parameter change. This is a 32 bit word in which the LSB 16‐bit contains the
status word and MSB 16 bits are ZEROS.
Set OOB_SpeedNeg_TX_TAT:Tx_training_analysis_time
This setting defines the time for Link analysis i.e., the time for counting errors in the
received dwords. At the end of this period, the trainer requests for new attached tx_phy
change depending on the error count in Auto Tx_training mode. This is a global setting.
SendRAWTTIU(Pattern_marker 32bits of BMC encoded TTIU)
This command is for transmitting a Raw_TTIU. i.e BMC encoded 32 bits TTIU can be
specified here. The user has the flexibility to specify the pattern marker.
Send_raw_ttiu( ffffc0000 FF C00F FC00 FF C00F FC00 FF C00F FC00 FF C00F
FC00 FF C1F0 7C00 FF C00F FC00 FF C00F FC00 FF C00F FC00}
Where “ffffc0000” is the pattern marker.
Send_TTIU/SendTTIU (32'b DATA/Variable, Idle count, Repeat number)
This instruction is mainly for sending a specific TTIU with variable number of idles .32 bit
TTIU value can be specified either by directly specifying the 32 bit data or by specifying a
variable.(when the variable name is given trainer reads the data in the specific variable
and considers it as TTIU value).Idle count defines the number of idles to be transmitted
after the 32 bit TTIU and repeat number defines the number of times the same TTIU to be