Teledyne LeCroy Sierra M122 User Manual User Manual
Page 311

Sierra M122 SAS/SATA Protocol Analyzer User Manual
Sierra Trainer Generation Language
Teledyne LeCroy
of idles to be transmitted after the 32 bit TTIU and the repeat number defines the
number of times the same TTIU is to be transmitted.
Var32 @ttiu =0x00006000
Generation {
Send_ttiu (0x00006000, 0x36, 0xA) //ttiu with specific data
Send_ttiu (@ttiu, 0x36, 0xA) //TTIU with variable
This instruction waits for a specific TTIU. During the execution of this instruction, the
previously transmitted TTIU is transmitted. The user can trigger a wait for a specific TTIU
or change the TTIU, or a part of TTIU, by specifying the 32 bit mask value.
The default mask value is set to all ones. The application waits for all 32 bits to match the
received TTIU. Changing the mask value provides the flexibility to wait for some specific
bits in the TTIU. Giving the Change_TTIU command with mask value waits for any change
in the specified Bits in the Received TTIU compared to the previously received TTIU.
Wait_for_ttiu (change_ttiu , 0x00004000) //waiting for change in tx_init
bit of TTIU
Send_ttiu ((0x00006000, 0x36, 0xA)
Wait_for_ttiu (0x0000A000 , 0X00008000) //waiting for train comp bit to
go high
LRT: Last received TTIU
This instruction is for accessing the last received TTIU. The user can access the received
TTIU and reuse it as required.
@ttiu_temp=@ttiu and @ttiu_mask