Yaskawa MP2000 Series: User's Manual for Motion Programming User Manual
User’s manual, For motion programming, Machine controller mp2000 series
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Front Cover
- About This Manual
- Using This Manual
- Manuals for MP2000 Series
- Related Manuals
- Visual Aids
- Safety Information
- Safety Precautions
- Warranty
- Contents
- 1 Overview
- 1.1 What is a Motion Program?
- 1.2 Motion Program Features
- 1.2.1 Execution Method
- 1.2.2 Motion Control in Full Synchronization with Sequence Control
- 1.2.3 Easy to Realize High-level Motion Control
- 1.2.4 Easy-to-Understand Motion Language
- 1.2.5 Arithmetic Operations
- 1.2.6 Data Transfer from/to Ladder Program
- 1.2.7 Memory Usage Reduced by Use of Subprograms
- 1.2.8 Parallel Program Execution
- 1.2.9 Program Online Editing
- 1.2.10 Enriched Easy Programming Functions (MPE720 Ver.6.04 or later)
- 1.3 Motion Program Execution Sequence
- 1.4 Motion Program Execution Registration
- 1.5 Motion Program Execution Timing
- 1.6 Grouping
- 1.7 Application Examples
- 1.8 What is a Sequence Program?
- 1.9 Sequence Program Features
- 2 Specifications
- 3 Program Development Flow
- 3.1 Program Development Flow
- 3.2 Program Development Procedure
- 3.2.1 Hardware Configuration
- 3.2.2 Installing MPE720 Version 6
- 3.2.3 Communication Settings
- 3.2.4 System Setup
- 3.2.5 Creating Project Files
- 3.2.6 Group Definitions
- 3.2.7 Creating a Motion Program
- 3.2.8 Registering the Program Execution
- 3.2.9 Transferring the Motion Program
- 3.2.10 Debugging the Program
- 3.2.11 Saving the Programs in Flash Memory
- 3.2.12 Executing the Programs
- 4 Motion Programs
- 4.1 Types of Motion Programs
- 4.2 Motion Programs For Each Axis Group
- 4.3 Running a Motion Program
- 4.4 Advanced Programming
- 5 Sequence Programs
- 6 Variables (Registers)
- 7 Programming
- 8 Command Reference
- 8.1 Axis Setting Commands
- 8.1.1 Absolute Mode (ABS)
- 8.1.2 Incremental Mode (INC)
- 8.1.3 Acceleration Time Change (ACC)
- 8.1.4 Deceleration Time Change (DCC)
- 8.1.5 S-curve Time Constant Change (SCC)
- 8.1.6 Set Velocity (VEL)
- 8.1.7 Maximum Interpolation Feed Speed Setting (FMX)
- 8.1.8 Interpolation Feed Speed Ratio Setting (IFP)
- 8.1.9 Interpolation Acceleration Time Change (IAC)
- 8.1.10 Interpolation Deceleration Time Change (IDC)
- 8.2 Axis Move Commands
- 8.2.1 Positioning (MOV)
- 8.2.2 Linear Interpolation (MVS)
- 8.2.3 Clockwise/Counterclockwise Circular Interpolation with Center Position Designation (MCW, MCC)
- 8.2.4 Clockwise/Counterclockwise Circular Interpolation with Radius Designation (MCW, MCC)
- 8.2.5 Clockwise/Counterclockwise Helical Interpolation with Center Position Designation (MCW, MCC)
- 8.2.6 Clockwise/Counterclockwise Helical Interpolation with Radius Designation (MCW, MCC)
- 8.2.7 Zero Point Return (ZRN)
- 8.2.8 Linear Interpolation with Skip Function (SKP)
- 8.2.9 Set Time Positioning (MVT)
- 8.2.10 External Positioning (EXM)
- 8.3 Axis Control Commands
- 8.4 Program Control Commands
- 8.4.1 Branching Commands (IF ELSE IEND)
- 8.4.2 Repeat (WHILE WEND)
- 8.4.3 Parallel Execution (PFORK, JOINTO, PJOINT)
- 8.4.4 Selective Execution (SFORK, JOINTO, SJOINT)
- 8.4.5 Motion Subprogram Call (MSEE)
- 8.4.6 Sequence Subprogram Call (SSEE)
- 8.4.7 User Function Call From Motion Program (UFC)
- 8.4.8 User Function Call from Sequence Program (FUNC)
- 8.4.9 Program End (END)
- 8.4.10 Subprogram End (RET)
- 8.4.11 Dwell Time (TIM)
- 8.4.12 I/O Variable Wait (IOW)
- 8.4.13 One Scan Wait (EOX)
- 8.4.14 Single-block Signal Disabled (SNGD)/Single-block Signal Enabled (SNGE)
- 8.5 Arithmetic Operations
- 8.6 Logic Operation
- 8.7 Data Comparisons
- 8.8 Data Operations
- 8.9 Basic Functions
- 8.9.1 Sine (SIN)
- 8.9.2 Cosine (COS)
- 8.9.3 Tangent (TAN)
- 8.9.4 Arc Sine (ASN)
- 8.9.5 Arc Cosine (ACS)
- 8.9.6 Arc Tangent (ATN)
- 8.9.7 Square Root (SQT)
- 8.9.8 BCD to Binary (BIN)
- 8.9.9 Binary to BCD (BCD)
- 8.9.10 Set Bit (S{ })
- 8.9.11 Reset Bit (R{ })
- 8.9.12 Rising Pulse (PON)
- 8.9.13 Falling Pulse (NON)
- 8.9.14 ON-Delay Timer (TON): Counting unit: 0.01 second
- 8.9.15 OFF-Delay Timer (TOF):Counting unit: 0.01 second
- 8.10 C-Language Control Commands
- 8.1 Axis Setting Commands
- 9 Engineering Tool MPE720
- 10 Troubleshooting
- Appendices
- A Motion Language Commands
- B Sample Programs
- C Differences between MP900 Series and MP2000 Series Machine Controllers
- D Precautions
- D.1 General Precautions
- D.2 Precautions on Motion Parameter Settings
- (1) Set bit 5 (Position reference type) of motion setting parameter OW**09 to Incremental value add method
- (2) Do not access a motion register from the I/O register by using a subscript
- (3) Do not access a motion register of a different circuit by using a subscript
- (4) Do not change the motion setting parameter OL**1C “Position reference setting” while axis motion is in progress in a motion program.
- Index
- Revision History
- Back Cover