HEIDENHAIN TNC 410 User Manual

Page 163

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8 Programming: Cycles



Feed rate for plunging: Traversing speed of the tool
during penetration


1st side length : Slot length; specify the sign to
determine the first milling direction


2nd side length : Slot width


Feed rate F: Traversing speed of the tool in the
working plane

SLOT (Slot milling) with reciprocating plunge cut
(Cycle 210)

Before programming, note the following:

The algebraic sign for the depth parameter determines
the working direction.

The cutter diameter must not be larger than the slot
width and not smaller than a third of the slot width.

The cutter diameter must be smaller than half the slot
length. The TNC otherwise cannot execute this cycle.

Roughing process
At rapid traverse, the TNC positions the tool in the tool axis to the

2nd set-up clearance and subsequently to the center of the left
circle. From there, the TNC positions the tool to set-up clearance
above the workpiece surface.

2 The tool moves at reduced feed rate to the workpiece surface.

From there, the cutter advances at the feed rate for milling in the
longitudinal direction of the slot — plunge-cutting obliquely into
the material — until it reaches the center of the right circle.

3 The tool then moves back to the center of the left circle, again

with oblique plunge-cutting. This process is repeated until the
programmed milling depth is reached.

4 At the milling depth, the TNC moves the tool for the purpose of

face milling to the other end of the slot and then back to the
center of the slot.

Finishing process
The TNC advances the tool from the slot center tangentially to

the contour of the finished part. The tool subsequently climb
mills the contour (with M3).

6 When the tool reaches the end of the contour, it departs the

contour tangentially and returns to the center of the slot.

7 At the end of the cycle, the tool is retracted in rapid traverse

FMAX to set-up clearance and — if programmed — to the 2nd
set-up clearance.

8.4 Cy

cles f

or Milling P






uds and Slots

Example NC blocks:

45 CYCL DEF 3.1 SET UP 2
46 CYCL DEF 3.2 DEPTH -20
47 CYCL DEF 3.3 PLNGNG 5 F100
48 CYCL DEF 3.4 X+80
49 CYCL DEF 3.5 Y12
50 CYCL DEF 3.6 F275