Print buffering – Visara LINCS Features User Manual
Page 91

Chapter 7. CUT Device Support
The PID being entered will be checked after 3 digits are entered to determine if a valid 3
digit PID has been entered. If so, PID mode will be exited at that point. Otherwise, PID
mode will remain active until the user has entered all available 8 characters, or has pressed
the ENTER key.
The following keys perform special functions during PID mode.
• ENTER is used to indicate that the operator has finished entering his PID data. This is
useful when the number of PID characters to be entered is less than the full PID field.
ENTER triggers LINCS to go ahead and set the newly entered PID.
• CLEAR and RESET will reestablish the printer ident to the printer that is assigned on the
Printer Assignment panel in configuration, and exit printer ident mode.
• The Ident key can be used to gracefully exit PID mode and ignore any data which had been
entered, thus setting the PID back to what it was prior to entering PID mode.
• The Cursor Left and Backspace keys can be used to erase the previously entered PID
• The Er Inp, Erase EOF, New Line, Back Tab, and Cursor Home keys can be used to “start
over” with the PID entry.
Upon exiting PID mode, 8 character port-IDs will be truncated to the 3 digits following the “.”
in the port-ID. This is necessary so that the status line symbols normally occupying columns
66-69 on the status line may be displayed. During “printer printing” and “printer broke”
conditions, the PID field will return to the 8 column format so that the user will know the
specific printer which is being used. Also, remember that a user may see the full 8 character
PID by entering PID mode.
Print Buffering
The Print Buffering feature allows local print requests to be buffered in LINCS feature memory
while a printer is busy with other local print requests. Without print buffering, your display
station will be in an input inhibit condition (Printer Busy symbol) if a local print is attempted
while your assigned printer is busy with some other local print request.
If the Print Buffering feature is enabled when you attempt a local print to a busy printer, your
displays screen image will be saved in LINCS feature memory and will be printed when the
printer becomes available. This feature allows you to continue data entry while your preserved
screen image is waiting to be printed.
If your display has prints queued, the status line will indicate how many screens are currently
queued to be printed. Locations 53 to 57 of the status line are used as the “Queued Prints”
status area. This area will display “Q nnn” where nnn = number prints queued from your
Configuration and Management
Configuration - Print Buffering is enabled in a printer device profile by setting the “Print
Buffering” field to Enable. If print buffering is enabled, the feature memory used to buffer
prints will be taken from the “Presentation Space Storage” memory. Refer to the Presentation
Space Storage feature memory description in Configuration for more details on the amount of
memory required.