Netview dm overview, Retrieve microcode – Visara LINCS Features User Manual

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LINCS Features


NetView DM Overview

The electronic distribution of LINCS Microcode and Customization data objects must be
initiated and controlled from NetView DM. NetView DM, Version 1, Release 2 or higher, is an
IBM licensed program product that helps manage and control the distribution of software,
microcode, and data in an SNA network.

Retrieving data from and distributing data to LINCS in a network is accomplished by building
NetView DM transmission plans to retrieve, send, and install data objects. Once retrieved, the
data objects are stored in the NetView DM resource repository. The repository is used to
maintain multiple versions of a data object. It is recommended that the most recent version of
all data objects be stored at the Central Site LINCS node, and that earlier versions be maintained
in the resource repository.

NetView DM transmission plans contain the details for distributing a data object. They identify
the data object canonical name as well as the source and destination for the data object. As
plans are executed, NetView DM collects completion data, and then logs the status of plan
completion by function.

The following NetView DM functions are supported by LINCS: NetView DM Functions,

• Retrieve Microcode

• Send Microcode

• Delete Microcode

• Install Microcode

• Remove Microcode

• Accept Microcode

• Activate Node

These functions are described in the following sections.

Retrieve Microcode

The RETRIEVE function is used to request a LINCS node (Central Site or Network Site) to
return a copy of the requested data object(s) to the host application for storage in the NetView
DM resource repository. The data object must exist in the repository before it can be SENT to
the Network Site LINCS nodes.

To retrieve a data object from the Central Site Library disk, it must have a canonical name
associated with it. Library members that are not configured for CSCM will not have canonical
names associated with them, therefore these members cannot be accessed by NetView DM.

The MATCHIND Data object retrieving, parameter available with the RETRIEVE function is
used to further define tokens which may have been replaced by an asterisk in the canonical
name of the data object to retrieve. Options which may be selected are:

• H Select highest.

• L Select lowest.

Refer to the Canonical Name Summary Table to see which tokens may be replaced.