Rpqs – Visara LINCS Features User Manual
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9. RPQs
RPQs are proprietary features that have been developed based upon particular customer needs.
The RPQs listed are available to all LINCS node users.
• 5550 Printer Sharing - routes IBM 5550 device prints to other 5550 devices.
• ASCII Backspace/Delete key - when enabled LINCS bypasses the checks for DOC and
INSERT modes and always does the backspace with delete.
• ASCII Display Time Clock - allows ASCII displays attached to LINCS to operate similar
to TWX type devices (as an IBM 3708 replacement).
• ASCII Shift Lock - Makes the Caps Lock key on an ASCII keyboard act as a Shift Lock
function on a 3270 keyboard. Caps lock forces all alphabet characters to shift to upper case.
Shift Lock forces all keys to use the shifted characters and symbols.
• Attached Processor Feature - allows an ASCII host to send a command sequence that will
initiate a recorded RPB sequence the same as if the user had initiated the sequence from the
• Coax poll rate - the Coax Poll Rate RPQ increases the coax poll rate to accommodate
certain non-compliant devices.
• Deferred Keyboard Restore - Enables sessions connected to a 3270 host to remain inhibited
(X clock) until an end bracket or change direction is received, even if a keyboard restore is
received while in receive state.
• Device Based Shift Status - the shift key status affects all sessions vs. only the foreground
• DFT Frame Sequencing - when enabled, this RPQ will disallow interspersing of frames
from multiple LUs when communicating to a DFT. That is, all frames with the same sequence
number (segmented frames) will be sent to the DFT before a frame for a different LU is
sent. This RPQ is needed for certain Irma clients.
• Do not map DFT LUs - causes LINCS to pass the host LU defined entry to the DFT
instead of automatically mapping LU beginning with LU 02, to the coax DFTs.
• Filter IPX Packet Type 20 - enabling this RPQ will cause LINCS to defer from propagating
IPX broadcast type 20 packets. This can greatly reduce traffic in Windows NT environments.
• Ignore DNS cache - DNS resolutions are not cached when this RPQ is enabled. This forces
every request for use of a DNS name to go to the DNS name server.
• IPX SAP Filter (save comm server entries only) - allows LINCS to filter out all IPX SAP
frames except for those received from a comm server, resulting in only comm server entries
in the SAP table.
• LANSYS Delay - enables slower client workstations or workstations with slow protocol
stacks to execute LANSYS.
• Local SNA DE/CU On-line Status Display - slows return of DE/UC when initializing the
PU for VSE environments.
• Make Hard Disk priority higher - the hard disk priority is bumped up to the same priority
as the communications priority. This RPQ should be used when LINCS is configured to
function as a print server, especially if the print server feature appears to be hanging.
• Map “ANY” LUs to “PUBLIC” LUs - causes an IPX 3270 request for “ANY” LU to be
treated as a request for an LU from a Host Class by the name of “PUBLIC”.