Send microcode, Delete microcode, Send microcode delete microcode – Visara LINCS Features User Manual
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Chapter 10. Management Features
Send Microcode
The SEND function is used to distribute one or more data objects from the NetView DM
resource repository to one or more LINCS nodes in the network. The receiving LINCS node
may be a Central Site or Network Site controller.
When sending and installing a single data object, an INSTALL function with SEND = yes
would normally be used to accomplish both the SEND and INSTALL functions in one
step. The SEND function is used when multiple data objects need to be sent prior to
installation. For example, when installing a new FUNCTEC level of System microcode
and CFG data object, the CFG data objects may be sent using SEND prior to installing the
System data object.
The MATCHIND parameter is available with the SEND MICROCODE function to further
define tokens which may have been replaced by an asterisk in the canonical name of the data
object to send. NetView DM will locate the data object to send by searching for the one which
most closely matches the canonical name specified.
It is important to remember that only two states of a given data object can be present on disk at
the same time. For this reason, the following optional parameters may be used with the SEND
• DESTRUCTION This parameter specifies whether or not a previously sent data object of
the same type will be deleted. Only data objects in the Sent state may be deleted using this
parameter. The name of the data object to delete will be specified in the DELNAME
• DELNAME This parameter is used when the DESTRUCTION parameter is set to “allowed.”
It specifies the canonical name of the data object to be deleted.
• DELMATCHIND This parameter specifies a list of matching indicators to further define
tokens which may have been replaced by an asterisk in the canonical name of the data
object to delete. It is only valid when DESTRUCTION = allowed.
If the distribution is successful, the data object is in the Sent state at the receiving LINCS node.
Delete Microcode
The DELETE function is used to delete data objects that are no longer required, or that must
be deleted to allow updated data objects to be sent.
The MATCHIND parameter is available with the DELETE MICROCODE function to further
define tokens which may have been replaced by an asterisk in the canonical name of the data
object to delete. Care should be taken when using partial naming with the DELETE function.
If used carelessly, the incorrect data object could be deleted.
Any data object that is in the Sent state can be deleted (that is, the data object has not been
installed). In addition, non critical data objects may be deleted when they are in the Production
Non-Removable state. The only LINCS data object that is critical is the system microcode. All
others may be deleted if desired.
The DELETE function cannot be used to delete data objects in the On-Trial, Production
Removable and Back-Level states. To delete On-Trial and Production Removably data objects,