Tn3270 lu nickname file – Visara LINCS Features User Manual

Page 69

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Chapter 6. 3270 Server Features


At this point it is assumed that the client is a TN3270 client. If the client refuses one or more
of the options, the server closes the TCP connection. If a client attempts to connect on a TCP
port not configured for TN3270 client connections, the server will not attempt to negotiate
TN3270 options.

TN3270 LU Nickname File

The Nickname file is used to provide an alias table to LINCS for TN3270 and TN3270E
clients. User-defined names can be associated with LINCS LU resources with this file, allowing
the client to be configured with meaningful resource names. For example, the named resource
may be chosen to match the VTAM LU name, found in the host gen.

The Nickname file is not required to provide specific LU assignments, but may be used to
provide a means to this end.

LINCS accepts as the Nickname file, a file by the name of: nickname.sys

This file can reside on a floppy diskette residing in the floppy drive, or may be located in the
SYSTEM subdirectory on the hard drive. LINCS will search the available drives for the
nickname.sys file in the order of drives c, d, a, b. Although it may be useful to create the
nickname.sys file and test it on a diskette, you will normally want to copy it to the hard drive
using media management for normal operations.

The nickname file is read from the nickname.sys file into LINCS memory at IML time. Changes
to the nickname.sys file can be made and the file replaced at any time. You must however, use
the Refresh LU Nickname File utility on the Media Management menu to force LINCS to
refresh the file that it is using while online. When the nickname file is changed while online,
LINCS will allow all active connections to continue. New users attempting to connect will use
the rules dictated by the new file.

Syntax for the nickname.sys file is as follows:





where each nickname must be a unique string of up to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric
characters and/or the characters space, !, “, #, $, %, &, ‘, (, ), *, +, ,, ., -, /, :, ;, <;, =, >;, ?,
{, |, }, and ~. Do not use [, \, ], ^, or _. Caution should be taken when using a string that is a
substring of another string. For example, the string fg@671 is a substring of dfg@671. A
substring will be matched to the first occurrence found in the list.

All entries into the file should be on consecutive lines, with each line terminated with a carriage
return. There is to be one entry per line, with no white space to the left of the carriage return
(unless the space is part of the nickname itself).

LINCS is not case sensitive for the nicknames.

Each host,lu in the nickname file should be in the form of a single letter corresponding to the
host letter assigned by LINCS for the host connection, separated by a comma from a two digit
LU number (in hex!).