Install microcode – Visara LINCS Features User Manual
Page 134

LINCS Features
the REMOVE function must be used. Back-Level data objects are only deleted when the
ACCEPT function is used on the corresponding Production level data object.
Install Microcode
The INSTALL function must be executed before a LINCS node can access data objects that
have been sent. If the data object has not yet been sent, the INSTALL function can be specified
with SEND = yes. After a successful INSTALL operation, a data object will end up in one of
the following states:
• Installed in Production Removably
• Installed in Production Non-Removably
• Installed On-Trial
The following parameters are available with the INSTALL function. The setting of these
parameters determines the resulting state of new and original data objects. INSTALL function
• SEND - Answering yes or no to this parameter determines whether or not the data object
should be sent prior to being installed.
• MATCHIND - This parameter is valid only when SEND = yes. It is used to further define
tokens which were replaced by asterisks in the data object canonical name. Refer to the
Canonical Name Summary Table to see which tokens may be replaced.
• REMOVABILITY - This specifies whether or not the data object that is being installed can
be removed with the REMOVE function. The states of the new and original data objects are
determined based on this parameter in conjunction with the ACTUSE parameter as follows:
• If REMOVABILITY = no, then ACTUSE must be production. The new data object will
be installed in Production Non-Removably and the original data object will be deleted.
• If REMOVABILITY = yes and ACTUSE = trial, the new data object will be in the On-
Trial state and the state of the original data object will be unaffected.
• If REMOVABILITY = yes and ACTUSE = production, the new data object will be
installed in Production Removably and the original data object will be put in the Back-
Level state.
• AUTOREMOVAL – This specifies whether or not the data object should be removed
automatically if the installation fails.
• PRETEST - This parameter specifies whether a data object should be tested prior to
installation. If PRETEST = yes, LINCS will verify that the data object is compatible with
other data objects and hardware installed at the site.
• AUTOACCEPT - Answering yes to this parameter instructs LINCS to automatically
ACCEPT the data object if the installation is successful. The original Production level data
object will be removed, and the new data object will be put into the installed in Production
Non-Removably state.
Using this parameter eliminates the need to use a separate ACCEPT function.
• COREQUISITES - This parameter specifies a group of data objects that should be installed
as corequisites of the data object specified in the INSTALL function. It is assumed that the
other data objects were previously sent using the SEND function.