Visara 1783 User Manual
1783 network computing terminal user’s manual
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Table of Contents
- 1. About This Manual
- 2. About the 1783 NCT
- 3. Connecting the 1783 NCT
- 4. Using Windows
- 5. Using Print Services
- Printer setup
- Installing a printer
- Changing the default printer
- Printing when a printer has not been set up
- Printer properties
- Paper tab
- Graphics tab
- Margins tab
- Other tab
- Info tab
- Print preview
- LPR/LPD print feature
- Configuring remote printers
- Remote Printer Definition
- Using the 1783 as an LPR server
- 6. 1480 CUT Emulator
- Standard features
- Display screen features
- Data entry features
- Printing features
- Other features
- Accessing your application program
- Moving the cursor
- Entering and editing data
- Selecting data fields
- Sending data
- System Request variations
- Program Access (PA) function
- Function (F or PF) keys
- Monitoring response time
- Configuring the 1480 CUT Emulator
- Defining and selecting features
- 1480 Miscellaneous
- Restarting the 1480 Emulator
- Keyboard setup
- Color
- Printer setup and printing
- Print type
- Coax printer assignment
- HAP Menu
- LPR Menu
- Dual Screen feature
- Configuration requirements
- Configuring Dual Screen mode
- Starting Dual Screen mode
- Active and Suspended Screens
- Key assignments
- Dual Screen Mode enhancements
- Zoom
- Select left
- Select right
- Step Active session
- Swap session
- Mark
- Paste
- Mark/Paste
- Walk through
- Screen Print mode
- 7. 1490 Twinax Emulator
- Standard Features
- Communication Setup
- Terminal Mode
- Display Address
- Printer Address
- Keyboard Setup
- Screen Setup
- Display Emulation
- Cursor
- Full Screen Mode
- Color Setup
- Printer Setup
- Attached Printer Type
- Printer Emulation
- Characters per Inch
- Lines per Inch
- LPR Menu
- 1490 Miscellaneous
- Restarting the 1490 Emulator
- 8. Using Telnet, TN3270, TN5250 and VT220
- Telnet Terminal
- What is Telnet?
- Logging in to a remote host
- Logging out of a remote host
- Recommended reference guides
- TN3270
- What is TN3270?
- Setting up a remote host as a 3270 terminal
- Connecting to a TN3270 session
- Logging out of a remote host
- Configuring TN3270 for an application
- Print setup
- Print type
- LPR menu
- Copy/Paste Between TN3270 Sessions
- Copy/Paste From Calculator to TN3270 Session
- Recommended reference guide
- TN5250
- What is TN5250?
- Setting up a remote host as a 5250 terminal
- Connecting to a TN5250 session
- Logging out of a remote host
- Configuring TN5250 for an application
- Screen setup
- VT220
- What is VT220?
- Setting up VT220
- Connecting to a VT220 session
- Logging out of a remote host
- Configuring VT220 for an application
- Miscellaneous setup
- Printer setup
- 9. TN3270/TN5250 Keyboard Macros
- 10. Accessing your intranet and the Internet
- Configuring Voyager Browser
- Cache tab
- User Info tab
- Connection tab
- Appearance tab
- Basic browsing
- Toolbar icons
- Browsing the Internet
- Stopping data transfer
- Refreshing the current page
- Going backward and forward
- Returning to your home page
- Finding text
- Changing the size of the font
- Viewing history
- Using hotlists
- Hotlists
- Adding sites to Hotlist
- Viewing hotlists
- Deleting sites from the hotlist
- Printing
- 11. Using personal productivity tools
- NCT Mail
- Starting NCT Mail
- Checking for - and reading - your mail
- To read a message
- Replying to and forwarding mail
- Sending new mail
- Message Pad
- Posting a note to yourself
- DayMinder
- What is DayMinder?
- Starting DayMinder
- DayMinder at a glance
- Resizing windows
- Customizing application preferences
- Types of scheduled activities
- Adding appointments
- Adding reminders
- Adding a task to the ToDo list
- Editing and deleting scheduled activities
- Address Book
- Calculator
- Snapshot
- Printing a snapshot
- Dial-up connection
- Starting the Dialer
- Setup an ISP
- Typical ISP setup
- Advanced ISP setup
- TCP/IP settings
- Modem settings
- Login script
- Script Editor
- 12. Safety, Power, and Environmental Requirements
- 13. System Administrator's Guide
- Accessing the configuration screens
- Administrator Functions
- Vital Product Data
- Configuring Options
- Defining Administrator's Password
- Setting date and time
- Configuring NCT Network
- Connection tab
- Gateway tab
- DNS tab
- Configuring NCT Mail
- Configuring NCT Applications
- Configuring NCT Miscellaneous
- Configuring ICA
- Application servers
- Network tab
- Connection Options tab
- Application tab
- Starting the ICA session
- NCT Update configuration
- NCT Update troubleshooting process
- Update list file format
- Language configuration
- Ping
- Index
- Symbols
- 1480 CUT Emulator
- about,
- accessing applications,
- Base VPD,
- Coax indicator,
- Coax printer assignment,
- color setup,
- Configuring,
- Configuring Dual Screen mode,
- Controller Step Key = ChgSc,
- data entry features,
- Disable color override,
- DualScreen mode,
- entering and editing data,
- Function (F or PF) keys,
- HAP menu,
- Increase session delay,
- key assignments,
- keyboard layout, 104-key,
- keyboard layout, 122-key,
- keyboard setup,
- local printing,
- LPR menu,
- Mark unprotected,
- miscellaneous setup,
- Monitoring response time,
- monitors for,
- moving the cursor,
- Printer setup,
- printing,
- Program Access (PA) function,
- remote printing,
- restarting,
- Row/Column indicator,
- Screen print mode,
- screen setup,
- selecting data fields,
- sending data,
- standard features,
- starting,
- starting Dual Screen mode,
- 1490 Twinax Emulator
- 1783 NCT
- 3279 terminal, functioning as,
- 5250 terminal, functioning as,
- about,
- administrator functions,
- application window,
- as an LPR server,
- atmospheric considerations,
- back of logic unit, illustrated,
- configuration,
- electrical interference,
- environmental requirements,
- integration level,
- international units, power cable,
- manufacture date,
- monitor weight support,
- physical statistics,
- power cable requirements,
- power outlet requirements,
- safety requirements,
- serial number,
- setting up,
- standard features,
- starting,
- unpacking,
- updates, programs and files,
- using,
- VT220 display, functioning as,
- 1480 CUT Emulator
- A
- B
- C
- Cache
- Calculator,
- Cautions,
- Citrix ICA Client,
- Close button,
- Coax indicator, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Coax IP address,
- Coax Mac address,
- Coax printer assignment, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Coax printing
- Color setup
- Colors
- Communication setup
- Configuration, 1783 NCT,
- Configuration screens
- accessing administrator functions,
- administrator password,
- color setup, TN3270,
- color setup, TN5250,
- color setup, VT220,
- communications setup, TN3270,
- communications setup, TN5250,
- communications setup, VT220,
- date and time,
- ISP setup,
- keyboard setup, TN3270,
- keyboard setup, TN5250,
- keyboard setup, VT220,
- miscellaneous setup, VT220,
- NCT applications,
- NCT mail,
- NCT miscellaneous,
- NCT network,
- NCT update,
- print setup, TN3270,
- screen setup, TN3270,
- screen setup, TN5250,
- screen setup, VT220,
- WWW,
- Configuring
- administrator options,
- administrator password,
- connections, NCT network,
- Date and time,
- Dayminder preferences,
- Dial-up connection,
- Domain name servers, NCT network,
- energy saver, monitor,
- Gateway, NCT network,
- ICA client,
- language,
- NCT applications,
- NCT mail,
- NCT miscellaneous,
- NCT network,
- NCT update,
- password, administrator,
- TN3270, applications for,
- TN5250, applications for,
- Voyager Browser,
- VT220, applications for,
- Configuring remote printers,
- Controller Step Key = ChgSc, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- CrSel key,
- D
- Date and time, setting,
- DayMinder
- about,
- adding appointments,
- adding reminders,
- address book,
- appointment button bar,
- appointment panel,
- button bar,
- customizing,
- Menu bar,
- monthly calendar,
- preferences,
- reminders,
- reminders panel,
- starting,
- ToDo list,
- ToDo list, adding to,
- ToDo panel,
- weekly planner,
- window features,
- windows, resizing,
- Default printer, changing,
- Dial-up connection
- Disable color override, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Domain name server,
- Doodle pad,
- Dual Screen mode
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- K
- L
- M
- Margins, printer,
- Mark, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Mark field, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Mark Unprotected, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Mark Unprotected field indicator,
- Mark/Paste, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Maximize/Restore button,
- Message Pad,
- Minimize button,
- Miscellaneous setup
- Modem
- Modifiable keyboard, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Monitoring response time, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Mono/DualCase mode,
- Mouse
- Mouse-Pen, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Moving the cursor, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- N
- O
- P
- Paper selection, printer,
- Password,
- Paste, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Paste field, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Photon micro-GUI,
- Physical statistics,
- Ping,
- Pointers
- Power cable
- Power cable requirements,
- Power outlet requirements,
- Print preview,
- Print setup
- Print type, TN3270,
- Printer
- Printing
- Printing features, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- R
- S
- Screen print mode, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Screen setup
- Select left, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Select right, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Selecting data fields, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Sending data, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Set default printer,
- Setting up the 1783 NCT,
- Snapshot,
- Standard features,
- Step Active session, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Swap session, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- Switchable Screen Formats, 1480 CUT Emulator,
- T
- Taskbar
- Taskbar, accessing from full screen mode,
- Telnet session
- Telnet Terminal,
- Title bar,
- TN3270
- about,
- color setup,
- communications setup,
- configuring for an application,
- copy/paste between sessions,
- copy/paste from Calculator to,
- features,
- keyboard layout, 104-key,
- keyboard layout, 122-key,
- keyboard setup,
- LPR menu,
- print setup,
- print type,
- screen setup,
- session, connecting to,
- session, ending,
- setting up a remote host,
- TN3270/TN5250 Keyboard Macros,
- TN5250
- Toolbar icons, Voyager Browser,
- U
- V
- W
- Z
- Symbols