Vcc-x status, Vcc-x status screens, Vcc-x operator interface sd 56 – Orion System VCC-X Controller User Manual

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VCC-X Operator Interface SD


VCC-X Status Screens

Status Screen #4 - Space and Return

Temperature & Slide Adjust

VCC-X v1.02 ID #

Space Temp: 0.0ºF
Return Temp: 0.0ºF
Slide Adj: 0.0ºF

Line 2 Space Temperature

If you are using a Space Temperature Sensor, this line

will display the current Space Temperature during the

Occupied or Unoccupied Mode. If a Space Temperature

Sensor is not used, it will display 0°F.

Line 3 Return Air Temperature

If you are using a Return Air Temperature Sensor, this


line will display the current Return Air Temperature

during the Occupied or Unoccupied Mode. If a Return

Air Temperature Sensor is not used, it will display 0°F.

Line 4 Slide Adjust

This is the current value of the Space Temperature offset

based on the position of the slide adjust switch on the



Status Screen #5 - Supply Air Temperature &

Active Setpoint

VCC-X v1.02 ID #

Supply Temp: 0.0ºF
Active Spt: 0.0ºF

Line 2 Current Supply Air Temperature

The Supply Air Temperature is always required. If a

Supply Air Temperature Sensor is not installed, the

VCC-X Controller will not operate correctly and will



Line 3 Current Active Supply Air Setpoint

This is the Supply Air Setpoint for the mode that the

unit is currently operating in. If the Supply Air Reset is

confi gured, this is the calculated setpoint based on the

current Reset Source conditions.

Status Screen #6 - Cooling Enabled

VCC-X v1.02 ID #

Cooling Enabled


Line 3 Cooling Enabled YES/NO

This line will display YES if Cooling is enabled and

NO if the Cooling is not enabled.

Cooling is enabled if the

Outdoor Air Temperature is above the Compressor



Status Screen #7 - Cooling Outputs - Active

Stages and Mod Cool Position

VCC-X v1.02 ID #

Cooling Outputs

Active Stages: XX
Mod Cool Pos.: XXX%

Line 2 Cooling Active Stages

This line will display the number of stages of Cooling

that are currently active.

Line 3 Current Modulating Cooling Output Signal

Indicates the percentage output signal to the Modulating

Compressor or Chilled Water Valve.

Status Screen #8 - Heating Enabled

VCC-X v1.02 ID #

Heating Enabled


Line 3 Heating Enabled YES/NO

This line will display YES if Heating is enabled and No

if Heating is not enabled. Heating is enabled if the

Outdoor Air Temperature is below the Heating Lockout.