Vcc-x configuration, Vcc-x confi guration screens, Vcc-x operator interface sd – Orion System VCC-X Controller User Manual
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VCC-X Operator Interface SD
VCC-X Confi guration Screens
Confi guration Screen #9 - HVAC Mode Set By
Remote Contact
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
HVAC Mode Set By
Remote Contact: NO
This option allows separate 24 VAC wet contact closures on the
VCC-X to force the unit into Heating, Cooling, and Dehumidifi ca-
tion modes. If this option is selected, it applies to all three modes,
and all three modes will only be initiated by these contact closures.
See the VCC-X Remote Contact Control section of the Sequence
of Operations in the VCC-X Controller Technical Guide for more
details. Default is NO.
Confi guration Screen #10 - SAT Reset Source
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
SAT Reset Source
No Reset
This confi guration option is not available if Single Zone VAV was
selected as the HVAC source. The Supply Air Setpoint can be “au-
tomatically” adjusted based on a selected reset source. This screen
allows you to choose this source. Default is No Reset. The available
selections are as follows:
No Reset
—No SAT Setpoint Reset will occur. The SAT
fi xed.
Space Temperature
—The SAT Setpoints will be
adjusted based on the Space Temperature.
Outdoor Temperature
—The SAT Setpoints will be
adjusted based on the Outdoor Air Temperature.
Return Air Temperature
—The SAT Setpoints will be
adjusted based on the Return Air Temperature.
Fan VFD Signal
—The SAT Setpoints will be adjusted
based on the VFD Signal. This is good for Adjusting the
Setpoints based on the building’s load by looking at the
Remote Voltage
—The SAT Setpoints will be
adjusted based on the Remote Supply Air Temperature
Voltage Reset Signal.
If the HVAC Source was set Single Zone VAV in Confi guration
Screen #8, then line 3 on this screen will read No SAT Rst Allowed
and the line 4 will be blank.
Confi guration Screen #11 - Reset Rate Interval
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Reset Interval
Rate...: 30 s
[1 - 255 Seconds]
If you selected a Reset Source in Confi guration Screen #10, enter
a value in seconds between 1-255. This value determines how fast
the Supply Air Temperature Setpoint is adjusted as the Reset Source
changes. Default is 30 seconds.
Confi guration Screen #12 - Space Sensor Type
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Space Sensor Type
If this unit has a Space Sensor installed, select Analog if it is a
wired Thermistor temperature sensor. Select E-bus Space/RH if it
is a combination communicating temperature and humidity sensor.
Select Receive Broadcast if the Space Sensor is attached to a sepa-
rate device that will broadcast the reading, e.g., GPC-XP Controller.
Select Remote Sensor if using a Sensor connected to a separate Unit
Controller on the same loop (sharing a sensor). You can select the
Unit Controller that will have the space sensor on Confi guration
Screen #13. Default is NONE.
Confi guration Screen #13 - Remote Space
Sensor Board Address
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Remote Space Sensor
Board Address: 0
If using a Remote Space Sensor (must be chosen in Confi guration
Screen #12), enter the address of the board it is located on. This Unit
Controller has to be on the same loop as the Controller that will be
sharing the sensor.
Confi guration Screen #14 - Outdoor Sensor Type
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Outdoor Sensor Type
If this unit has an Outdoor Air Sensor installed, select Analog if it
is a wired Thermistor temperature sensor. Select E-bus OAT/RH
if it is a combination communicating temperature and humidity
sensor. Select Receive Broadcast if the Outdoor Sensor is attached
to a separate device that will broadcast the reading, e.g., GPC-XP
Controller. Default is NONE.
- VCB-X Controller VCB-X VCB-X Modular Service Tool VCM Controller Operator Interfaces SD VCM-X/RNE Controller VCC-X Modular System Manager SD Modular System Manager SD Quick Start VCM-X/RNE Controller Operator Interface SD SA E-BUS Controller VAV II Controller v.1 CAV II Controller v.1 MUA II Controller v.1 VAV II Controller v.2 CAV II Controller v.2 MUA II Controller v.2