Orion System OE742-XX-VAVZ User Manual
Orion System Hardware

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The OE742-31-VAVZ VAV/Zone
Controller Actuator Package with
Power/Comm connectors pro-
vides a new solution for zone
damper applications. The new
package includes a VAV/Zone
Actuator and a VAV/Zone Con-
troller mounted in a plastic enclo-
sure. An optional conduit cover is
also available that mounts over
the control terminals for installa-
tions requiring conduit connec-
tions. The VAV/Zone Controller
Actuator Package is designed for
left- or right-hand mounting on a
VAV Terminal unit. Each package
comes standard with a right-hand
label and the actuator positioned
for right-hand use. For left-hand
units, the actuator can be rotated
180 degrees by removing two
screws that secure it to the enclo-
sure, rotating the damper actua-
tor, and re-fastening the actuator
to the enclosure. A left-hand label
is also supplied that can be ap-
plied over the right-hand label for
left-hand applications.
The VAV/Zone Actuator package
is very easy to mount on your
terminal unit. It is installed by
simply loosening the damper
shaft u-bolt on the actuator and sliding the entire Zone Controller Actuator Package Assembly over the terminal unit’s damper
shaft, tightening the actuator u-bolt around the damper shaft, and inserting a self-tapping screw into the anti-rotation bushing
located at the opposite end of the enclosure base. Detailed mounting and installation instructions are provided with each
package. A conduit enclosure is available as an option which provides conduit knockouts and encloses the electrical connec-
tions for applications where code requirements mandate conduit be used for low voltage electrical wiring.
OE742-31-VAVZ VAV/Zone
Controller Actuator Package
Technical Data
VAV/Zone Controller Actuator Package
Zone Controller:
Supply Power
24 VAC
(1) RJ-45 Cable Connection For Auxiliary Relay Board
Power Consumption
6 VA Maximum
(1) RJ-45 Cable Connection To Damper Actuator
Operating Tempera-
F to 149F
(1) Molex Connector For Power/Comm Out
Operating Humidity
90% RH Non-Condensing
RS-485 – 9600 Baud
Programming Port
Mini-DIN Jr. Port
Enclosure Material
Fire Rated ABS Plastic
Zone Controller
Factory Mounted Inside The Enclosure
(1) RJ-45 Cable Connection For Digital Temperature
Or Analog Temperature
Zone Actuator
Factory Mounted To The Enclosure
Actuator Rating
35 in/lbs (6 ft
Damper Area Max.)
(2) Auxiliary Terminals For Duct Temperature Sen-
Right Hand & Left Hand
(1) Molex Connector For Power/Comm In
Airflow Ports
Barbed Tube Fittings (PI Versions Only)
WattMaster reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
Three Year Warranty
Document Outline
- Orion-OE516-RndPDDmpr-Sub-01A
- Orion-OE517-RndPIDmpr-Sub-01A
- Orion-OE501-RndDmpr-Sub-01E
- Orion-OE742-31-VAVZ-ZCAP-Sub-01B
- Orion-OE742-32-VAVZ-ZCAP-Sub-01A
- Orion-OE744-31-VAVZ-ZCAP-Sub-01B
- Orion-OE744-32-VAVZ-ZCAP-Sub-01A
- Orion-OE519-RectDmpr-Sub-01B
- Orion-OE736-RectZoneKit-Sub-01B
- Orion-OE737-RectBypKit-Sub-01B
- Orion-OE738-RectSlzZoneKit-Sub-01B
- ORION-OE325-01-4RelayW-AnalogOutputExpBrd-1A
- ORION-OE282-Damper Actuator-1B
- ORION-OE281-04-ProportionalDamper Actuator-1C
- Orion-VAVZoneCableEst-All-1A
- Orion-VAVZoneWorksheet1B
- RD-Dampers-ALL6-28-12.pdf
- Orion-OE520XX-M-RndDmpr-Sub-01E
- Orion-OE520XX-T-RndDmpr-Sub-01E
- Orion-OE521XX-M-RndDmpr-Sub-01E
- Orion-OE521XX-T-RndDmpr-Sub-01E
- Orion-OE522-RDBypDmpr-Sub-01E
- Orion-OE523-RdSlaveDmpr-Sub-01E
- WM-RAVPD-SUB-01E-06-12
- WM-RAVPI-SUB-01E-06-12
- RD-Dampers-ALL6-28-12.pdf